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In this episode, you’ll learn… 

Why watching your parents volunteer as a kid helps you effortlessly help others today (3:55)
The counterintuitive reason that negative parents make you a more positive person (4:52)
How contentment sneakily derails your goals to help other people (7:05)
The weird way simply believing in yourself helps you accomplish impossible tasks (12:35)


In this episode, you’ll learn…

How to use your unique creativity and skills to create a snowball effect of inspiration (7:22)
The “Breath Method” that helps you get over nasty social media comments (9:59)
How one person sharing and being open with others enhances life for everyone on Earth (12:50)
Ronald Reagan’s Secret for inspiring everyone he’s talked to (13:45)


In this episode, you’ll learn…

Why making others smile is the fastest route to increasing your own happiness (2:35)
How volunteering at a dog shelter helps you be a positive influence in other people’s lives (3:15)
Why the people you surround yourself with is a “cheat code” to positivity and happiness (3:46)
Why teaching others is one of the best ways to become more positive (4:48)


In this episode, you’ll learn…

How to maintain your optimism when life throws you curveballs (2:06)
Why being happy helps you exploit your unique strengths (2:40)
The “3 to 1 Method” that makes positivity a cakewalk (even if it’s easier to be negative) (4:45)
Why negativity can be better teacher than positivity (5:05)


In this episode, you’ll learn…

The single best way to use your free time to help others chase their dreams (2:21)
How to create an “echo chamber” of positivity on social media (4:15)
Why judging is your best friend for staying positive (4:30)
How positivity spreads like a wildfire and can transform someone’s life (5:31)


In this episode, you’ll learn…

How focusing on the simple things puts positivity on “easy mode” (2:59)
How to avoid being sucked into a negative vortex when you’re surrounded by negativity (5:07)
Why positivity gives you a deeper sense of purpose (6:02)
The “Airplane Secret” for meeting and inspiring people from all over the world (6:44)


In this episode, you’ll learn…

Why having fun connects you to life on a deeper level (1:16)
5 words from Zombieland that can cure your stage fright (5:30)
How to banish the “mind monsters” that try to ruin your positivity  (8:05)
How positivity can add years to your life (even if you’re very sick) (11:15)


In this episode, you’ll learn…

Two human “ingredients” everyone needs (3:07)
How focusing on the little things in life creates massive happiness (5:04)
How you subconsciously affect everyone you come in contact with (6:35)
Why you have to make your soul sing before you can help others (9:38)
How to instantly “reframe” a triggering situation (10:50)


In this episode, you’ll learn…

How to stay motivated to help others (even in the midst of the world being shut down) (2:45)
Why you don’t need to be super positive all the time to create real change in others’ lives (3:59)
How pain and suffering catapults you into creating a better world (4:39)
Why listening is your secret weapon to helping people in crummy situations feel better (even more powerful than financial support) (6:52)


In this episode, you’ll learn…

Why putting other people first makes your life better and more fulfilling (2:32)
How dogs help you overcome challenging situations (3:11)
How to be a positive influence despite what’s happening in your life or the world (3:57)
Why younger kids often understand life better than adults (5:38)


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