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Show highlights include: 

How to get the benefits of meditation without spending hours on a cushion for hours. (3:01)
The one decision that determines whether you crumble in the face of challenges – or rise to the occasion and win.


In this episode, you’ll discover… 

How to volunteer with organizations you support even if you work so much you have no time (3:27) 
Why focusing on other people is the easiest and most effective way to get out of a depressive funk (4:43) 
The “Tribe Secret” that magically repels negative Nancies from you while attracting your new best friends (7:52) 
How to quickly bounce back after a bad day (8:28)


In this episode, you’ll discover… 

How a quick and thoughtful text message can turn someone’s entire day around (3:01) 
The “Vent Buddy System” that magically helps you get over bad days when nothing goes your way (3:20) 
The counterintuitive way a traumatic childhood can fuel your positivity today (4:56) 
How acting like a fool can save someone’s life (6:24) 
Why watching The Office puts dealing with negative people on “easy mode” (8:52)


In this episode, you’ll discover… 

How to use your unique gifts and talents to make the world a better place (even if you don’t feel special) (1:39) 
The “Giving Back Mindset” that instantly makes you happier (2:21) 
Why simply being happy “rubs off” on unhappy people and puts a big, fat smile on their face (3:26) 
How building a “Network of Positivity” snuffs out negative people and lets them think positively (4:09)


In this episode, you’ll discover…

How putting a smile on others’ faces can be the most profitable thing you ever do (2:27)
The “roll with the punches mindset” that can turn a rotten hand into a blessing in disguise (5:16)
Why it’s easier for younger people to be positive (and how older people can “hack” this skill) (8:24)
How to create a mountain of positive influence in the world (even if you have cancer or another life-altering disease) (10:10)


In this episode, you’ll discover… 

The 2-second mindset shift that immediately transforms negativity into positivity (even on your worst days) (5:37) 
How riding your bike can help children with cancer (and how to apply this to anything you do) (6:09) 
Why letting go of control is the first step towards living a more positive life (7:58) 
The selfish reason for helping others that makes it 100x easier (13:15)


In this episode, you’ll discover… 

How to always be generous to other people (even when you’re stressed, tired, and broke) (2:19) 
The “Instant Gratification” mindset shift that makes being positive easier than drinking water through a straw (2:49) 
Why being present is the best gift you can give (and makes you happy at the same time) (3:20) 
How to use the phrase “misery loves company” to your advantage to help miserable people become happier than they ever thought possible (4:54)


In this episode, you’ll learn… 

Why leading by example helps you impact more people (even if you’re not the best leader) (3:26)
How embracing a Stoic attitude is like a cheat code for positivity (5:22)
The “Seat At The Table Approach” to social media that helps you transform negativity into positivity (7:18)
How to positively impact a stranger that makes them think about you forever (8:29)


In this episode, you’ll learn… 

The selfish way to make yourself feel better by helping others (2:52) 
Why you don’t have to be positive 24/7 to inspire others with your positivity (5:06) 
How pretending to be positive when you’re not is more dangerous than being negative (5:32) 
The subtle mindset shift that eliminates your guilt when you’re feeling nasty emotions (5:45) 
Kevin Durant’s mindset secret for staying positive (even after a terrible game) (7:02)


In this episode, you’ll learn… 

The “Choose Your Lens Strategy” that helps you see the positive side even during negative situations (4:56) 
How to stand firm in your beliefs when being attacked for them (without tossing and turning all night over it) (8:12) 
The “Criticize Locally, Share Positives Globally Technique” that lets you disagree with others without shaming them (10:07)
How common ground instantly defuses resentment during heated arguments (and how to find it regardless of who you’re talking to) (11:38)


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