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Show highlights include: 

A simple, free way to help others achieve their goals (and why your “simple” help will change someone’s world) (1:43)
The effortless morning ritual that re-centers your focus (2:43)
Your biggest obstacle to effective communication — and why your “tone” amplifies your outcome (3:17)
How “HPHOP” allows you to connect with “negative people” without becoming negative yourself (4:33) 
Why encouraging someone’s dreams will push them to become a different person (5:26)
How to create harmony in your relationships — even if you don’t speak the same language (6:40)


Show highlights include: 

Why “slowing the clock” gets bigger results than a busy, booked calendar (2:37)
How a student’s struggle with “homework and lessons” today lays the foundation for a successful future (3:21)
The “Two Gs” that help you keep a positive outlook when your peers are making emotional snap decisions (4:14)
How working as a team today increases your team members’ optimism for the future (6:05)
Why working with people brings you joy — and how to turn it into a career (7:06)
How to improve the “fun factor” when your long-term goals seem unbearable (8:41)


Show highlights include: 

Why “going wide” with your business makes a greater impact than common “focus on niches” advice (2:23)
When to specialize your services for your client’s needs (and why it makes your own job easier) (2:32)
How the current crisis gives you a chance to make your customers even happier (5:55)
The “only thing” you have control over — and how to use that control to meet new friends (6:50)
How focusing on your physical fitness keeps you mentally healthy — and and the physical signs that warn of declining mental health (8:26)
How to harness excitement to reach the goals that live on beyond your own career (8:58)


Do the police still eat a lot of donuts? Nick finds out.
Show highlights include: 

The 5 things an officer does when you’re not looking — these will increase your appreciation of your local police force (2:06)
How to calculate your risk of criminal activity in any city — use this simple explanation before you change homes (3:13)
How to build an environment of trust and comradery so that the people close to you share your positive outlook (5:47)
Replace your “donut diet” with a focus on “PF” to improve your health in the years ahead (7:13)
A contrarian method to stop an argument before it starts (7:48)
The counterintuitive way to help a thief get exactly what he wants – and why this improves your community (9:24)


Show highlights include: 

A forgotten 3-second courtesy that will easily brighten someone’s day today (3:00)
The “P-Train” shift that attracts the right people into your life (3:24)
How sharing your gifts with others leads to stronger relationships (even if you don’t feel special) (3:54) 
The timeless “one-sentence opener” that makes you new friends today (5:26)
How traveling the world helps you connect with people in your own community (6:13)


Show highlights include: 

The “West Point Motto” approach for serving as many people as possible (3:33) 
How positivity helps you conquer backbreaking physical and mental tests (4:28) 
Maya Angelou’s secret for becoming one of the most influential voices in America (9:16) 
Why a good night’s sleep is the best antidote when you feel discouraged and defeated (9:56)


Show highlights include: 

How your mind alone transforms you from someone who can’t swim for 30 seconds straight into a national swimming champion (1:24) 
Why helping others reach their full potential is the most effective way to heal yourself (2:40) 
How positivity “mutates” you into a winner (even if you have no talent) (3:42) 
The “Feeding Off Negativity” trick that turns your most embarrassing shortcomings into an unfair advantage (4:15) 
Why visualization and other mental training routines “unlimit” your potential (5:22) 
The “Autobiography Mindset” that helps you reach your dreams during uncertain and scary times (6:44) 
Why diving headfirst into uncomfortable situations reveals personal wisdom you can’t get anywhere else (8:17)


Show highlights include: 

How the right mental coaching makes becoming great easier than being mediocre (1:08) 
Why happiness improves your mental and physical health (even when you’re feeling defeated) (1:55) 
The weird way positivity boosts your free throw percentage (and how to apply this secret to anything in your life) (2:23) 
Why lying to yourself can help you overcome your biggest obstacles (3:37) 
The “Every Hour Reminder” for your phone that can instantly transform a bad day into a great day (5:20)


Show highlights include: 

How eating the right foods improves all your relationships (2:45) 
The weird way traumatic childhood experiences make positivity easier than counting to 3 (3:02) 
Struggle getting out of bed every morning?


Show highlights include: 

2 of the most impactful charities you can donate to if you want to help kids with cancer (2:51) 
How negativity steals your energy and bleeds into everything you do (and how to become positive when you’re surrounded by negativity) (4:49) 
Why simple charitable acts like buying backpacks for your community make more impact than sending truckloads of money to an organization (5:48) 
How your vulnerability motivates other people (8:17)


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