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Nate Armstrong | Social Media Blueprint

My Market Is Different, Will Social Media Work?

Nate Armstrong | Social Media Blueprint         Nate Armstrong | Social Media Blueprint        
My Market Is Different, Will Social Media Work?           My Market Is Different, Will Social Media Work?          
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    Real estate investors are always skeptical that social media won’t work for their market because it’s different. And I understand their skepticism… ads are more expensive in some markets, they worry their market isn’t even on Facebook, and sometimes the results seem too good to be true.

    But here’s the crazy part:

    The results aren’t too good to be true. You can successfully run social media advertising campaigns anywhere across the country if you understand 3 key aspects of social media ads.

    In this episode, I’m sharing those 3 secrets of social media ads with you so you can make your social media advertising the most lucrative and profitable marketing channel for your business.

    Here Are The Show Highlights:

    • The obvious, yet often forgotten way to effortlessly attract sellers (1:20)
    • 5 of the hottest markets in America right now (4:20)
    • Why you should want to spend more for your ads and not less (4:48)
    • How to “pimp” Facebook to send you an endless stream of leads (6:51)
    • The trick for closing a bigger deal in 6 weeks than most people make in 6 months (7:20)
    • How to play the real estate investing game on “god mode” (9:12)
    • Never try this devious marketing channel unless you want to pay $10k+ to close one deal (9:22)
    • Want more leads than your team can keep up with? Try this… (10:16)
    • How to write your ad copy so your market automatically thinks of you as a trusted friend (13:12)
    • Why Facebook works like gangbusters compared to traditional media like television (17:29)

    If you don't want your retirement account or your savings account dwindling away anymore and you want help or some guidance on what real estate to put it into, I'd highly suggest checking out the training we put together for you at http://socialmediablueprint.com/podcast.

    Resources mentioned in the episode: Facebook by the Numbers: Stats, Demographics & Fun Facts

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