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Nate Armstrong | Social Media Blueprint

Avoid the Real Estate Investing School of Hard Knocks...

Nate Armstrong | Social Media Blueprint         Nate Armstrong | Social Media Blueprint        
Avoid the Real Estate Investing School of Hard Knocks...           Avoid the Real Estate Investing School of Hard Knocks...          
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    The Real Estate Investing School of Hard Knocks is something almost every real estate investor goes through. It’s so severe in many cases that investors decide it’s easier to quit and give up on their dreams than push through.

    But you don’t have to do that. It’s possible to avoid the School of Hard Knocks completely.

    In this episode, I’m sharing the 3 most important secrets to avoiding the School of Hard Knocks. Not only will this help you not quit on your dreams, but it will make you wildly more successful than if you tried to get through the School of Hard Knocks without any help.

    Here Are The Show Highlights:

    • You’re guaranteed to enroll in the Real Estate School of Hard Knocks if you don’t have this… (1:39)
    • The only 3 things you need to focus on in your real estate investing business that ensures it’s simple enough your toddler could run it (2:25)
    • Why Realtors are the worst people to ask for help (5:58)
    • The $1 trick that keeps your money from being held hostage in escrow when you sign a deal (6:35)
    • A braindead simple way to double (or even triple) your average profit per deal (9:57)
    • The single biggest mistake you’re making that ensures you won’t be able to close a deal in your first year of business (11:20)
    • How to avoid “landfill” problems that could cost you as much as 30x more than you thought (13:27)
    • Fail to check this and you might get a call in the middle of the night about an ex-boyfriend stabbing someone inside your property (16:40)
    • Why cash flow is irrelevant if you learn how to do this… (17:46)

    If you're a real estate investor or someone that's trying real estate investing and you need help avoiding the School of Hard Knocks, the most important thing you could do right now is watch the training we have available at http://socialmediablueprint.com/podcast.

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