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In today’s episode, I’m going to talk about the fake lifestyles you see on social media and why they're not the real deal. I'll share my own journey and how real success comes from hard work and smart investments.

Discover what helped me build my businesses, and I'll introduce you to the Deal Maker Alliance (DMA), a great community for business owners. This episode is packed with helpful insights you can use right away.

Stay tuned!

Show highlights include: 

  • Wealth porn mindset and how it's affecting your business  [03:14]
  • Start asking the right questions and use your brain to filter out the hype.  [04:27]
  • Discover why focus, effort, and sacrifice are vital for achieving your dreams.  [06:22]
  • Financial independence vs. financial freedom. [09:45]
  • Check out this hybrid of active residual income.  [15:37]
  • How to go from $6.50/hour to owning a $100+ Million Dollar Business [22:15]
  • Start arbitraging opportunities.  [24:22]
  • This should be goal number one. [25:53]
  • Do this and accomplish whatever you want to.  [26:50]

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Read Full Transcript

Welcome to the making of a DM Ma, the simplest money formula I know that exists on helping you accomplish the ultimate financial freedom. This is going to be a good one, so be ready. So what that said? Let's get started here. To discover freedom. There ain't no question mark. Kevin's when he stepping the dial, he's closing deals, how to tell him what the deal stand for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker.

0:44 Hey, there. It's your boy, Mark, Evans, D, M, welcome to another making of the DM, that's right, the deal maker, dream maker podcast show. Beautiful day here, sitting here in Metro Ohio at the office. I got Kim and Aaron out back there. Got Mark playing around on the weight room area, doing his thing and eating some sunflower seeds over there, I see anyways, appreciate you being here. If you're brand new here to making of the DM thank you so much, and welcome spend some time. This is episode number 170 something. I've been doing this for a minute, so there's a lot of shows. Make sure to listen to them. This is a no fluff, no advertising straight direct me to you. This kind of conversation is like if you were sitting across from me at the office, I got two cool chairs, these leather chairs. If you and I are sitting in this office smoking a cigar, what would we talk about? What kind of conversations would he have? The only difference is, I'm talking a lot more here, because it's just me talking with you, but I really want to help the entrepreneur, the investor, the business owner that wants to excel and propel and grow and do some amazing things in life. Last week's show's been absolutely epic. We've got tons and tons and tons of responses. So thank you guys so much on that, on ultimately, the big topic of theirs. Who do I need to become to get what I want, right to have that life, and we broke that down step by step. So if you haven't listened to the show last week, please take some time and do so. It is a very, very powerful show.

It's blowing up. It's it's really doing very well. So excited to see that. It's very tactical. It's something I was dealing with a couple weeks ago. I talk about that in great detail, so make sure to check it out and let me know your thoughts. So today's show, if you haven't yet, by the way, one more second is go give a five star review. Share this on your social media. If you have a friend or buddy or colleague, someone you want to connect with. This information sounds cool. It connects with you. It hits home. Shoot them a message. Let them know. Say, Hey, man, listen to minute 14 to 22 or whatever. And it's good stuff. So it's a good way to let them know you're thinking about them, you're connected with them. And talk about that on the show last week as well, how to connect with more people in a way, cooler way than most people do. So I want to talk to you guys about some stuff I'm seeing, and it's, it's something that's hurting a lot of you, if not most, it's almost, I know everyone talks about this porn addiction, but I have a different porn addiction. I think most people listen to my voice have it's wealth porn. Yes, you heard me, right. Wealth porn. What I mean by that is, you're on social media. You everywhere you go, everyone you think, everyone's rich. Everyone has all this money, everyone has all these houses and cars and and wealth, and literally everything they touch turns to gold. And what's going on is, it's that that's actually desensitizing you to the reality of what we're really living in. You see, it's fantasyland. It's not true. The algorithms are screwing you up for success. If this is the kind of stuff you like, I like nice cars, I like nice house, I like nice watches. But it's not the normal it's not everywhere. Literally, you would think that this is how the world is. Everyone has hundreds of millions in the bank, everyone's rich, everyone's on vacation all the time. Well, that's not the case, but I can tell you this, with this wealth porn mindset, it's affecting your business.

You think you're doing a lot of stuff wrong when you're probably not. Actually, I know you're not, but yet all you're doing is looking at a glimpse in their life, maybe even fake life. And I would actually the majority probably are fake. It's fake pictures, meaning that they rented the Lambo, the Ferrari. It's okay to rent these. Listen, as long as they're telling you they're doing that, that's cool. But if they're acting like this is their life and they have these cars and this is where they live, and this is their jet and this is their vacation on time, and that's all they do. You got to step back and ask yourself, how do they generate the money? Do they have customers? Do they have employees? How long have they been in business? Because there's no fucking way a 22 year old health coach or financial coach is going to teach me, 46 years old about health and wealth and life at all. And if they're doing that, they're. Good at selves, and that's cool. I'm not knocking them, by the way, but you got to step back. You got to use your brain, use your filter, and understand who these individuals are. It's cool if it inspires you or it gives you ideas, because we've talked about this in shows before, about Windows shopping online. I do this, but I'm usually doing it in Dupont Registry. James edition, etc. You know, going on high end house hunting tours, virtually, right? Looking at $50 million oceanfront mansions, $500 million complexes across the world, like whatever like. So you can do that.

But these are things that actually get me excited. It's not, I don't even know who the owners are, necessarily. I'm looking to expand my vision. I'm not looking at it to be like, Oh man, it must be nice. Oh man, yeah, you know, one day or whatever, but it's coming. But the reason I share this with you is I see a lot of you that are addicted to this wealth porn mindset. You fuckers are on vacation all the time. It's disgusting. And if your face gets red, you get pissed off right now, I'm talking to you, if you're newer in business, five years and younger, or even maybe 10 years, depending where you're at in the journey or season, you should not be on fucking vacation every other month. You can't. It's not how real life and real business works. If you truly are trying to build a business, it requires your focus and attention. So listen, if that's what you want to do, cool, but don't complain, because you're not getting results.

Why would results show up to you? Do you think a top tier professional athlete that you would know is sitting there hanging out on vacation all the time, drinking with his buddies, going to the beach, chilling, you know, just having, you know, going to nice dinners and eating all night and eating bad having dessert and all that. No, there are sacrifices to get what you want. And unfortunately, a lot of you have bought into this BS stuff online, thinking, Well, man, well, I only live once. YOLO, yeah, motherfucker, you're going to live once, but you're going to live way longer than a day. That's the idea. So start planning the seed now. I'm 46 I've been an entrepreneur since day one of 18. I've never had a real job my entire life. A w2 ever. As an adult, and some of you are taking more vacations than me, and I'm not opposed to vacations. It's just a matter of when, if you don't have money, you don't have business, you don't have things growing, you don't have good marketing, you don't have SOPs, you don't have all these things going your ass should be at home in the business working. So this wealth porn is like, Dude, I want to be Mark Evans. He has all these companies. I have losses, I have winners, I have teams. I have 28 years of experience, a lot of losses in that a lot of rough days, a lot of big moments. But the problem is a lot of you putting this on your credit card, creating more stress for your family and your vision, and then now you become desperate. You don't have to believe me, watch, it's coming. It's coming. It's here. A lot of desperation is happening, a lot of bankruptcies and foreclosures. It's very, very real. So what I'm telling you is, please pull your head out of your ass and stop looking at the stuff online, ie wealth porn, thinking that you're accelerated there, you're desensitized.

You think it's normal that you can be on vacation every fucking day. It's not normal one. It's not even fun for people that want to win. It's fun for about three days, and it's like I got shit to do. And then it also depends who you go with, right? If you're going with high charge people that are business for focus, oriented, etc. Now all of a sudden, now you're it's kind of like a mastermind. And the reason I share this is because I want you to focus on your numbers. It doesn't matter what my numbers are, your friends numbers, anybody's numbers, for that matter. The truth is, most people don't even know their numbers. So why would you watch them thinking they have their shit figured out. The only thing, and even if they do, by the way, the only thing you can control is your numbers. You yours. I don't care what you have. I don't care what anybody has. I have lots of people around me that inspire me to do more and do better, but it's not for what they have. It's for what they're doing, the impact. And we're going to talk about these two things and why it's important. Because what I'm talking about is, once you get to a certain level, certain amount of money in the bank, certain amount of money coming in every day, every hour, every month, whatever, this game starts getting different. Right?

And I feel like so many people listening to my voice right now are don't one, they don't even know what game they're playing. And number two, they're playing the wrong game if they do. So what I'm talking about is financial independence versus financial freedom. And financial independence is really simple. Do I have enough money coming in every month without working necessarily, to cover my monthly expenses? Maybe you spend four grand a month. Maybe spend 10 grand a month, whatever the number is, how? What can you? What? What can I? What can you create to accomplish that as goal number one, stop fucking trying to make a million dollars tomorrow.

10:46 Let's create something that adds value to someone's life, that they're willing to part their money for, to solve something for them and make 10 grand a month. Let's say if my monthly nut is 10 grand a month, you know, my house, my car payments, all this stuff, whatever it is, that's my first target goal in business, in life, how can I create? What can I create to create residual income? I know a lot of people say passive income. Well, passive is not so passive. It takes a lot of activity and a lot of work to get money coming into you like this, and there's always management involved. So that's not passive. I'm not saying there's not certain channels easier than others, but what I'm saying is, what can you do where if you wake up today or don't wake up today, money still flows in. If you sleep in, you hang out, you go on vacation for a week, a day a month, it still rolls in. And there's a lot of ways to look at that, right? You could create a product. You could create an online course. You could create, you know, a company that offers something, and maybe you have 100 people paying you 100 bucks a month, right? Keep in mind, I'm assuming, you have no expenses there in business, right? You still have servers, you still have staff. You have charge free funds, chargebacks, team members, possibly. But I'm just doing this for easy math to give you the idea. Or you can have the mindsets, like, Dude, my value is more than that. I want to charge 10 people $1,000 a month, okay? Or maybe this is you. I have real value too. I want to I want one person, 10,000 a month.

This is a little bit of hybrid of active income. Maybe you sit at home or sit on the beach or wherever you sit in the mountains, and you could create a report. You could manage something, do something, and create this kind of income. What can you create that creates passive drip income every day, and it creates a cool compound effect. I've done this many times over, and I still continue to do it in multiple businesses where we have different income streams coming in, if I show up or I don't. What can you create? See, by the age 27 I've talked about this openly, I have been financially independent. Now, the difference is, when I was 27 I was traveling with my girlfriend, now my wife, Dina, all over the country, in the world, for seven years, I built these things to create income for me, but I did not live like I live now, not even remotely close. I did fly first class. I did stay in decent, not the best, hotels, right? Instead of four seasons, I might go to something, you know, two levels down. So instead of spending 1000 a night, I might spend 300 a night. That's a big difference, right? 3x difference. So it was a different life, different time. Shit, I didn't I didn't care. It didn't matter to me back then, truthfully, I could have slept on a couch. I was fine. I was 27 for God's sakes, but what's important to you? By age 27 I literally focused on what I wanted to do. I did real estate. Then I came out with a course called reverse real estate at age 26 I wrote my first book. Came out November 21 2006 I did all these things to create income. The books didn't create income because I gave that all to charity, but it did create business opportunities, conversations.

Now I still had to work again. I'm not saying you won't work. I'm just saying it's like you can literally wake up knowing that your shits taken care of. There's some of you playing the game where you're trying to save up enough money to generate 120k a year. If we're using this 10k a month example, you need a minimum. And I'm talking riskless cat like I'm talking money just parked in the bank generating a return of 5% you need at least $2.4 million in cash saved to get 120 grand a year. That's before tax. Is you really need $4 million saved to get your net 120 a year at 5% I already know what you're saying. Depending who's listening here, one person saying, dude, that's never going to happen. $4 million Give me a break. You're right. You know another thing that happens inside of that, whoever's making that kind of money, up to 4 million, doesn't live off of 120 grand a year. Typically, they've raised their monthly nut to 2030, 4050, grand a month, because their income is scaling with it. They scale their life with their income. So it takes massive discipline. Truth is, I could never say $4 million back then. It wasn't even a thought. I just wanted to make enough money to be able to pay my bills, make investments and get cash flow coming in. Does that make sense? And then there's another school of thought, and this is the way I think, well, I've already shared one. What can I create to generate that kind of income? It's a hybrid of active, passive income, if you will. Like to call it residual, not passive and or what opportunity exists where I can get huge chunks of cash.

What's cool about real estate or wholesaling a business, is that I could make 2030, 4050, $100,000 on one deal or more picture, if I find a $400,000 house, I can get it for 250, to 300 and I sell it To someone else for 350 I net $50,000 that's five months of income that I could park in the bank and then go do that same exact process again. This is me creating active income to build a residual model in my life where I can literally buy myself some time to figure out how to grow and scale and see what I really want to create in this game of life. It's way easier to do those types of deals and create big chunks of cash than it is to save $4 million I promise you that. But I want you to what I'm trying to share with you is I want you to open up your your money goggles. I want you to expand your goggles. We talked about this last week as well. You have a depth perception problem. You're only looking two inches in front of you. We got to expand that out and see every literally, if you're driving listening to me, look to your left. Look to your right. Look in front of you. Look back. Look around. You're stopping at the stoplight. Look right, look left. This is assets. These are real estate, things that create cash, huge chunks of cash, massive amounts of residual income. So learn about it. Understand how these asset classes work. Do you want to be own and hold? Do you want to just wholesale? Do you want to fix and flip in retail? I was thinking about this on my walk, because I've done lots and lots of all these things. I'm talking about 1000s, right? The thing about a contractor, because that's kind of my world. My dad was a contractor. My whole my uncle's contract, that's just what we did. But they always had a job. Let's say that they made 35 $45,000 a year. Do you understand if they expanded their vision and said, Wait a minute, instead of getting paid $45,000 a year, why don't I figure out how to learn how to make $50,000 on one deal? It takes effort, takes knowledge. I got to learn, but it's all available now for free online everywhere, how to underwrite a real estate deal to retail, you gotta work. You gotta have money, or know where to get the money. Because I did this when I was living at my parents house, 18 years old, no cash and no credit.

And I did lots of real estate deals. So I know it can be done as well as everyone else. I know in the game, we don't use our own cash to do real estate deals other people's money. That example I gave you earlier, all I was doing is tying up a $400,000 house for $300,000 via a piece of paper. It's called a contract. And then I'd sell that piece of paper that contract for a fee of whatever that amount is. In this case, it was $50,000 the person buying it got a deal, the person selling it at what they wanted, and I made $50,000 with specialized knowledge. Happens every day, guys, it's happening right now. Happens on the small scale, big scale, and everywhere else in between. But the question is, what really matters? Is it happening for you? Is it happening for you, and then do you have a service? Do you have a product? Do you have an offer? Do. You could bring to market, right? Because this contractor, like, let's use my uncle making 45 grand a year. What if he made 50 grand on one deal and it only took three months? One, you have to believe it's real. Two, you have to learn about it. Three, you have to do the work to do it to get the result. If he can make 50 grand in one deal in 90 days, what if he just did this? 234, times a year,

20:34 life changing, and you don't have to report to anybody except yourself. And I'm not saying that's good or bad, because sometimes that is harder, but it's way better. I don't have to request time off, son, you can't go, you know, you're an adult, but there's seniority, and you got to stay back. Okay, guys, hey, hey, hon, I can't go on vacation, or I can't go on this trip because my boss said I can't get the fuck out of here. That's absolutely insane to me. Insane to me. But some people like that expand your depth these big buildings. By the way, I'm talking real estate, because everyone understands real estate a little bit. But this could be with any kind of products. This could be with, you know, mowing equipment. This could be with a dumpster. This could be, I mean, it's literally endless. What is your gift? What vertical Have you been you're spent most of your life in what do you know like the back of your hand, that you're so bored with it and so sick of it, that literally, most people look at you like you're like from Mars, because you know so much about it, and yet you're thinking it's no big deal. There's opportunity in that. I call it arbitraging opportunity, or conduent of opportunity. I know the buyer, I know the seller, and my job is to be the middle part conduent, or arbitrage, both of those pieces together and collect a fee in the middle. This is going on every single nanosecond in the world, everywhere across the world, but is it going on for you? You can do this with humans. By the way, a guy I know, he is worth about $600 million he was making $6.50 at a coffee shop back in the day. And these guys are always in the coffee shop working. He's like, Dude, what the hell you guys do all day? He's like, Oh yeah, you know, we do design work. You do. How much you make. Curiosity didn't kill the cat. Curiosity he made this guy almost a billionaire by the way. They're like, Oh, yeah, we charge $5,000 keep mine. You're making 650 an hour, $6.50 an hour a year, $5,000 to do one thing. You're like, Huh? But he knows true, because they're in there every single day, meeting clients, drinking coffee like a maniacs. So he saw it so he knows it's real. He believed it's real because they told him, most importantly, because he asked, and they said, Okay, I'm going to try it.

His first deal was 500 bucks. He did a basic website for him. $500 that's a lot of hours at a coffee shop. More importantly, what's cool about this story is he did that deal for 500 bucks. I said, Hey, we need XYZ done too. Can you do that? Instead of him saying Nope, he said, Absolutely. And then under his breath, he's like, Oh, shit, oh, I gotta figure it out, because I have no clue what I just said yes to so he calls a friend, and the guy said, hey, I'll give you $1,000 to do this job. He's like, done. I'll do it. He called his friend. He's like, what can you do this for? He's like, 500 bucks. He's like, Huh? So let me get this, right? I make a sell for 1000 I pay you 500 to do it, and I keep the difference, and I don't have to do any of the work. Yep, that's the answer. I just made 500 bucks on human capital, understanding the seller position, understanding where to get the job done. And he made money, and he turned that into 100 plus million dollar business, and then he started buying other companies on top of that. Now, why he's worth 600 plus million all of us, including me, started somewhere. Start arbitraging opportunity. What are you good at? Are you good at Tech? Are you good at real estate? Are you good at business? Are you good at working out? What are you good at? And then see who is looking for help in those verticals, and come up with an offer. I want nothing but success for you. I want you to have cash flow coming. I want you to wake up today, tomorrow and beyond, knowing that every day you're waking up, money's coming in no matter what, it breeds confidence.

It gives you like. Massive, massive opportunity. Like, like, it just opens up the world, takes off a little bit of stress, and allows you to focus and go build what you know you're capable of building. But the reason most never do it is because they're too busy trying to get that million, 3 million, $5 million when all you got to do is sit down, figure out what your monthly burn rate is, your monthly nut. I call it whatever, 3000 4000 5000 7000 10,000 whatever it is. That's my first target. That's my first number. How do I get there? And remember, not all revenues created equal. You got residual, you got active, you got semi passive. But I'm not trying to make 5% on my money right now. That's not the game you're playing. Because, like I said, just for 120 grand a year, you need about 4 million in the bank. At 5% that's a lot of money to go get net to be sitting there paying you out that kind of money, right? But I do know it's way easier, way easier to focus on your monthly nut. Build something, build some things, maybe, and create a strategy to accomplish goal number one, what would your life look like if you could wake up knowing that money's coming in, no matter what you did yesterday or 10 days ago or 100 days ago? Because you've built something, you've created something that is creating revenue for you and your business and your life. I'm not saying there won't be servicing. I'm not saying there's not value. You got to understand your value exchange to the marketplace. You're so close to another world, it's amazing. This is the kind of shit we talk about inside the DM Alliance, the deal maker Alliance group, is the most amazing, epic group I've ever been a part of. So happens I actually get to be a part of it.

There's a lot of amazing people in there from all over the country, many different business models. The connections are so deep, I always tell them, and this is true, because I do it myself. Whatever you need help with, whatever salute, whatever thing you need solved can be solved inside of that group. You gotta you gotta show up, you gotta ask questions and participate and connect. If you do these things, you will accomplish whatever you want to it's amazing. If that's something that interests you, you could shoot me a message immediately at Mark Evans DM on Instagram and just say, DMA dash podcast, DMA dash podcast, we'll have a conversation see if it's a fit for you. It's for business owners. It's for people looking to get to 100k a month, actually, and beyond. This is the group if you're lonely, if you're scared, if you're unfocused, frustrated. This is the kind of environment you need to be in, because the opportunities are endless. The key is you got to put yourself inside those environments. Stop holding on to this money like it's going to you know, like it's going to change. No creating money will change your life. Creating it, understanding how to steward it, and understanding how to grow, it will change your life. Too many people are trying to save themselves to retirement, whatever that means there's by the way, no one in the DMA wants to retire. We want to grow and push and create. We're creators.

And what's cool about this, once you get to a certain point in the game, the money's cool, but you know, 10,000 100,000 whatever, whatever size you are, you're going to realize, once you're living at your whatever you're you want anything above that is like whatever, it's gravy. So it's not a motivation of the money, it's motivation of the impact changing other people's lives through my efforts, through my products, through my courses, through my mission, that's the power that you have. And if you're not experiencing that, or you don't want to, if you not experiencing you want to, I'm your guy. If you don't want to, I don't know how to help you, because I only want to help people. Want to help others. That's why I'm here on planet Earth. I'm looking for the multiplication effect. I help you. You help 100 people. With one person, I helped 100 ie I help you. You help 100 that's a multiplier. You are the multiplier. I know you're so close to a whole nother world, and I know you want to quit. I want to quit too,

30:10 but stay away from this wealth porn shit. Stay away from listening what other people say they're doing or not doing. I don't care. I know what I'm doing. I'm paying attention to my numbers. I know what's working and what's not. And listen, I'm very focused on this shit, and it's still hard, truthfully, but I don't quit. I will never quit. We'll keep plugging away, we'll keep growing, we'll keep helping, we'll keep sharing, we'll keep creating. I can tell you this, we are all just getting started. I don't care what level you're at. Some people listen to my voice, are worth a lot of money, lots nine figures and beyond, and some people are just on the beginning journey of the season, which is amazing. And I welcome you. We're all equally important. That's the cool thing about the DM community. No one's better than anybody. Everyone wants to help each other, and I hope you get to experience that with us, inside the dealmaker Alliance, because that's the type of world we live in. That's the community we've built, and that's the community. The community is growing and building and forging deeper and deeper and deeper every day. And I want you to know, keep your feet moving. Stay focused, shut off the noise, and go build your financial independence life, because right on the other side of that is financial freedom, and that's a whole nother level, and we'll talk about that another day, but I promise you, that's where you're headed if you take the right steps. So with that said, make today count

31:47 what I know and how I did it to discover freedom. There ain't no question mark. Kevin's when he stepping the dial, he's closing deals, how to tell him what the deal stand for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker. The journey's wearing dead. It's all about the process. I'm the kid over to the DM project. I'm a small town in Ohio, so I know how it did. And I come from a lot of money. I remember it as a kid. Wanted to make a money brag. See no one making more than that, graduated high school with a 1.8 shoulda held me back. All my principals and teachers are alive just to witness this. I'm on ball. Somehow you're running to a bigger businesses. Walk away from it, y'all, and I'll be good. But I've been called to help people just like y'all, learn again. It's come to Paul everybody chasin the money, but I'm not chasing the money. I'm out here chasing the purpose, yo, I've been working my whole life. That's where we at. Is it gonna get us where we want to go? I'm hurt at helping teach him what I what I know and how I did it, to discover freedom. There ain't no question more Kevin's when he's stepping to die, he closing down time to tell him what the team stand for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker. The journey's where it's at. It's all about the process. I'm the kick over to the team project. I'm working here. Deal maker, deal maker, deal maker, maker, deal make,

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