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Today, we’re talking about something many people fear—failure—and why it’s actually good for your growth. I’ll share some personal stories about being a dad, husband, and business leader, and how I’ve learned to see failure differently.… READ MORE

Coming to you from the lively city of Nashville, Tennessee for today’s episode. We’re talking about something that really hits home for a lot of us entrepreneurs: the huge difference between just scraping by and actually raking in the big bucks.… READ MORE

In today’s episode,  we’re talking about something really important: How changing your thinking can lead you to everything you’ve ever wanted.
We’re diving into how a small change in your mindset can open big doors for you.… READ MORE

In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about something a lot of us face: feeling overwhelmed in our businesses and in our daily lives. I’ll share some personal stories about the tough times I’ve gone through, like dealing with lawsuits and the pressure of meeting financial goals.… READ MORE

Today, I’m sharing some game-changing tips on growing your business in ways you might not expect. If you’re thinking bigger is always better, I’m going to show you how focusing on the little things can actually make the biggest impact.… READ MORE

Have you ever felt like you’re running in place, or that your dreams are just out of reach? I get it, and that’s why I’m here to share some personal stories and straight-up advice that helped me when I was in your shoes.… READ MORE

You’re about to get the lowdown on winning big in real estate.  I’ve got secrets to share that will help you make solid investments that pay off. I’ll show you how to roll with the punches and come out on top.… READ MORE

Today, we’re taking a hard look at AI and how it’s impacting our businesses in ways you might not expect.
I’ve seen firsthand how relying on technology can actually hurt us instead of help. I’m sharing real-deal stories about why human touch is worth more than any fancy tech.… READ MORE

Today, I’m getting real about that all-too-familiar feeling of trailing behind in business and in your personal life. I’m going to talk straight from the heart about why dinner time should be sacred—no phones, no distractions—just you and your family.… READ MORE

Straight from the desert in Dubai, I’m here to chat with you about why we go through all the tough bits of being an entrepreneur. Is it for the cash, the fame, or something more? I’ll share my own journey and talk about why I think it’s so important to focus on positivity and making solid connections with ourselves and others.… READ MORE

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