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Without headaches or hassles

Have you ever thought about why some businesses take off while others stay stuck? I’ll tell you why. Think of it like rowing a boat: if you’re not moving forward, maybe it’s time to change direction.

Discover why money isn’t the only thing you should focus on and why having a bigger purpose is super important. Plus, I’ve got some tips to help you push past obstacles.

And guess what? There’s a special event in Nashville you won’t want to miss—it could change everything for you. Let’s get into it…

Show highlights include: 

  • Are you aware of the concept called The Unfair Advantage? [01:33]
  • What’s your best investment today? [06:14]
  • The importance of determination to pursue your dreams. [11:12]
  • How to deal with the problem of implementation. [15:07]
  • Uncover the secrets to scalability and massive growth. [16:53]
  • What does it take to lead effectively? [20:51]
  • Are you trying to model successful businesses? [24:31]
  • The significance of persistence. [29:24]
  • How entrepreneurship is connected to community building. [35:23]

For your ticket to my next DM Event in Nashville, message me on Instagram at @MarkEvansDM and say Podcast-Nashville.

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Make a donation to Operation Underground Railroad and help save children from sex trafficking by going to https://my.ourrescue.org/deal. If you make a donation, shoot me a message on Instagram at @MarkEvansDM and say “operation underground railroad,” and I’ll send you a cool gift.

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Read Full Transcript

Welcome to the making of a DM. Do you want the unfair advantage? Be careful what you wish for. I'm about to reveal to you the unfair advantage. Are you up for the challenge? So with that said, let's get started. Is it, what I know and how I did it, to discover freedom. There ain't no question mark. Kevin's when he stepping the dial, he's closing deals. Time to tell him what the deal stand for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. Dream maker,

0:43 hey there. It's your boy. Mark Gavin, D, M, welcome to another making of the DM, that's right, the deal maker. Dream maker of your life. Hope you're having an amazing day. I'm sitting here at the office. I don't come here a whole lot. I need to come here more awesome office. I'm sitting in there overlooking the workout facility and the cars and the big old American flag on that back wall. And after I'm done with this, I'm gonna hop over there in the cigar bar area, have a cigar, do some reading, and then when I get done with that, I'm gonna hang out and go play golf with my son, play nine holes in mid afternoon, I'm not sure, not to impress but to impress upon when you build things right, you can create the schedule and create the life that you desire. And today, I want to talk to you about the thing called the unfair advantage before I do so, June 25 and June 26 Nashville, Tennessee, it's going down. I have just revealed the charity of choice that we're going to be working with. We're going to make 100 kids dreams come true that are, you know, they found out they have cancer. They found out, you know, they have a rare disease, and everything in between. It's actually truly impressive, these young children that go through so much but yet continue to smile and and what a lot of people understand is even the family, the parents and their children, the other children inside, there's families how much heartache and struggle they have to deal with. I remember about four years ago, if you've ever heard the podcast show with Nick the great before he passed away, he had brain cancer, and I got to meet his family, his mother.

I was I gave them a VIP experience for seven days. I took him to the Super Bowl, limo, top tier style Kansas City, at the dolphin stadium, and then against San Francisco 40 Niners, I believe. And then we took them seven days to Animal Kingdom and put them up, did amazing things. Thanks to my buddies and I, we put together the money and funded that experience for them. And you know, when you're dealing with this kind of stuff in real life, this is real life you know, we're talking business, and the struggle of business, how hard it is, blah, blah, blah, it is hard sometimes, but there's nothing harder than telling a little eight year old boy that he has brain cancer and he's not going to live more than 12 months. Could you imagine? Just imagine, and I promise you, the mother that I met and the Son, they were the most happiest, nicest people in the world. And just goes to show how important your mindset is because, if you know, I remember my grandmother, no eight, excuse me not. Oh eight. October 8, oh 605, when they told her she had cancer, she heard death sentence, and in two weeks she was passed.

So this is why you're here to work and to continue to grow your mindset. And just want to say you're going to see this go down live and in person, June 25 and June 26 in Nashville, Tennessee, I participate. I bring people in that room so you can see the children's life you're impacting. This has never been shared before, except today, I'm coming out today talking about it, because it's something I've been working on. I love to help the children. It's cool to help the older people and all that, but adults and again, but children that literally they didn't do anything for this. It literally just tossed into their life. And we're going to make a change. We're going to make a difference in their life. For every single person that shows up, it's going to be an amazing experience. And if you have not gotten your ticket, you can get over to dealmaker experience.com Again, dealmaker experience.com and get your ticket. If you've already gotten your ticket, shoot me a message on Instagram. I'll shoot you a couple bonuses I'm working on to give you guys, just to say thank you. So that's what's going on. And appreciate you guys sharing the show. Appreciate you guys sharing the event. There's a lot of cool things happening. And you know, we're about three weeks out from the actually, three and a half weeks out from the event. It's a lot of stress. It is my last event I'm ever doing. I'm not saying that create like a big conversation. It's it's the truth. It's my 10th year of doing a charity event, and I'm just, I gotta focus on my businesses and my life. And that's just where I'm at, my journey in my life. Who. Maybe I'll do it again in the future. I don't know. I have nothing like that planned at all in the foreseeable future, though.

So if you've never been to one of these events and or an event I've thrown, it's a it's an experience. Hence, dealmaker experience.com. We don't sell anything. We simply provide massive amounts of value with amazing human beings in the room. And I hope you can be in the room. Don't think you're under don't don't think you don't deserve to be in that room, no matter where you're at in the journey of the game, because that's what we're going to talk about today. So let's talk about the unfair advantage. I'm going to share with you four different things, and I've heard different people talk about these things, and I'll share these kind of with my, my my numbers, one through four of what I truly know to be the unfair advantage, as we're in an interesting time. We're in June now, June of 2024, this year has been very interesting and challenging for the majority of people. I know it's just a weird, economical time to be alive, to be in business, if you don't have real business skills, it's just getting harder and harder and harder. And I want to ask you a question in times like we're dealing with right now, you know, there's a lot of huge, amazing investment opportunities, but I want to ask you, what is your best investment today? What is your absolutely best investment you can invest today?

And as you're thinking there's like crypto or real estate or this business, a boring business, whatever, whatever story you have in your head, I want to challenge you and have you understand the best investment you'll ever make in your life, but period, in any times, let alone these times, is yourself. And I talk to people and they're like, dude, no one believes me. No one understands me, blah, blah, and I'm like, Cool, how much have you invested in yourself? And they haven't really invested anything. And the problem with that is, if you don't believe in yourself enough to invest money to go to events and connect with people, to learn from other people, living the life you want, doing what you want, why the hell would anybody else believe you? The truth is, you don't even believe your own You can say, Well, Mark, you don't. I don't have to understand the story you've told yourself about this mindset, belief system you've created to protect whatever story you're trying to protect, mindset and relationships will carry you through things you didn't even know were possible. I want to challenge you to invest in yourself more this year. Triple down, quadruple down, tenfold down. Go back 18 months ago and listen to my show. I told you guys, you're gonna have to work 10 times harder to get the same results. Some of you listened. Most of you didn't guess what. It's getting harder, and it's only going to get harder if you don't have staying power for the next two years. I promise you, you'll be working for someone else. It's that tough right now. It's in the dirt. People are shooting at you, throwing stones at you, kicking at you, piling on on you.

It's real, it's business, it's life, it's right now, I'm not here to scare you. I'm here to talk reality, because also on the other side of this, in 234, years after you make it through this journey, make it through the cycle we're in, I want you to never say, Well, why isn't everyone an entrepreneur? And realize right now in this time is why? Because most will quit. Most will tap out. Most don't have the staying power, most don't have the fortitude and grit it takes to get to the other side. They will literally fail over and over and over, and eventually they'll quit. The majority will, I hope you as a listener of the deal maker podcast, show is not you, unfortunately, the odds are against you. Are you going to quit? Are you going to let this situation dictate your future? Are you going to let it make you and build you stronger today, to give you what you need for the future. Do you see this as an obstacle or an opportunity to grow, or is this the time to tap out? I get it. I want to tap out daily, multiple times a day. I want to fire everyone. I want to talk. I'm done. I don't truth this. I don't need to work. I have enough cash for many, many, many generations, but I have to to keep for my teams, my people around me. You, there's so much more.

More on the other side. If you keep going, keep your feet moving. Keep your feet moving. Guys, when I want to quit, I just say, keep your feet moving. Keep your feet moving. You got this? You got this? See, that's what's interesting about us crazy entrepreneurs. We're good at creating stories to drive us but we're also good at creating stories that hold us back. It's scary, it's overwhelming, it's tacking, it's challenging, it's exciting. It's a journey, though. It's never on a direct up path, ever. It never will be. It never has been. But I want you to know, I promise you this about me, I will never quit. I'm either too dumb,

11:04 too hard headed, or maybe a little bit of both, or a lot of both, but I will never quit on my dreams and my goals ever I might flutter, I might stumble, I might stutter, but I will never quit until the day I die, and if I do it right, my goals and dreams get bigger after I die, because I'm putting people in place to help make these visions way bigger than I ever could dream of I get in rooms. I get around big thinkers. I get about around big dreamers to help me think bigger still. Today, do you or do you have it all figured out? If anybody comes to you or comes to me and says, Mark, no one gets me. No one understands. The first question I always ask is, how much have you invested in yourself to be in the right rooms with the right people, through mentors and masterminds and networking groups, etc? Oh, I don't pay for that You're out. I don't have anything else to share with you, because I don't understand people like that. I don't get it. You're so smart, you have no money. You're so smart, you have no company. You're so smart, you don't have anything going on big in life, because you have it all figured out. How can I help you? Then I can't, so I stopped trying to help people out that can't even clearly help themselves out. If you're not investing in yourself, the best investment without you, none of this exists, and yet maybe it costs money. That's a scam. I don't have time. Well, you have to make time for yourself. You have to invest in yourself. By the way, you're making time investment every day in yourself. Is it creating what more of what you want or more of what you don't want? Though, when's the last time you've audited your time? When's the last time you've audited kind of the stuff we're talking about today, I invest massive six figures a year on mentors and mastermind groups. I will forever.

Why wouldn't you see? The thing is, is, when you think investing, you'll go buy a house for 100 grand, you'll put 20 in it, you'll sell for 200 you're like, Yeah, I made $80,000 okay, cool. How much would you make if you invested $100,000 in you be way more than $80,000 over the lifetime of your your career, of your life. But a lot of people don't see it like that, because they're like, oh, man, that mentor. The only way they make money is through that. Well, the truth is, in my world the event, for example, that event, I lose a quarter of a million dollars on average, because 100% of the net profits go to charity. I have nothing to sell at the event. I do it because I want to connect with people like you. So why do you charge $1,000 well, truth is, I don't anymore. It's more than that now. And secondly, why would you want to be in a room with people for free? Have you ever thought about like I personally would never go to a free event?

14:20 There's no value. I want to go to the events that they charge 10,000 because it creates like the people in the room. By the way, you might think that you're paying for the people in the room when they pay $1,000 let's say there's 350 people in that room. Are you paying for who's in the room? Yeah, a little bit. But what you're really paying for, and I want you to listen to this, because it's very important, you're actually paying for who's not in the room, talkers, tire kickers, time wasters, let me pick your brain. Wasters, hey, sign this. India. Got a great idea. I. I don't need your ideas. I have enough of my own. The problem in this world is not ideas. The problem in this world is implementation, execution. Aren't you worth 1000 to $1,500 aren't you worth getting away out of your business for three days to make it better stronger? Aren't you worth getting in a room of 300 and plus people and connecting with people that have access to capital that you don't even know exist, having access to people that have like businesses that you might be able to invest in if you have capital. Aren't you worth that? You're the best investment you'll ever make in yourself. This is how you get confidence. This is how you gain an edge. This is how you create an unfair advantage in any business, it's by investing in you. Because the better you become, the better everything you're involved becomes.

That's number one. Number two, you have to be in the right industry. See, the thing is, there's so many people that are doing dying businesses like, I truly believe AI, for example, if you're a company and you're like, you're doing 10 million here, a million dollars, whatever the number is, and you do transcription services, do you understand AI will own you in about five years or less. There's no need for you. You're in trouble. You're like done, in essence. So I'd recommend selling the company as soon as possible and getting in the path of an emerging, growing marketplace. Find something that you have an edge in. In an emerging and growing place like guys, things are going away, things are growing. Most people I see that are struggling. They're dying business models and or unscalable environments. See if you have a mom and pop restaurant, I loved it to go to them, but I'd hate to own that. Why? Because if that person running that facility for 25 years hasn't figured out a system and process to franchise it out or expand it and grow it, you're capped. You could have this place busy 24 hours a day, seven days a week, that's the most you could ever make. But if you could figure out how to build a business mind and build a structure and a formula that you got scale and go to 1020, 4050, 100 units across America. Now this story starts getting different, a lot different, a lot more interesting, a lot more profitable, potentially. But you have to become a different person. You have to think different. You have to look at things differently.

Where's the emerging market coming from? I'm using restaurant business, because it's one of the toughest businesses out there, right? I'm using transcription services, any kind of billing services, AI is coming for your business. By the way, there's nothing you can do about it. It's coming no matter what. So you either pivot or you die. In the industry, it's a choice, by the way. You can fight it all you want, but if you don't get in the emerging, growing marketplace, you will fail, you will die. Secondly, I was watching this movie recently called The Boys in the Boat. It's about a rowing these guys rowing, and I think if I remember, as in Washington, based off of a true story, I believe they went to the Olympics and all that. And I see a lot of you rowing really hard right now. I'm talking harder than you've ever had to row, and things still aren't working out as good as they should. Maybe, just maybe you're rowing the wrong way. Maybe see if you don't understand, if you can't step back and see what we know and understand how to pivot and change or Stop rowing. Do you understand when you're rowing the wrong way? If you just stop rowing, you're ahead of the game for a minute. This is where pivot moments come into play. You understand over 50% of the Fortune 500 companies were created in economical situation, downturns. Don't let this moment define you. Let it refine you. Let it dial you in and understand what the big opportunities are. This how you create unfair advantage, getting in a room, being authentic. When someone says, How's your business doing in these types of rooms?

19:42 Everything's great. Now you're like, dude, listen, I have challenges right now. Man, this isn't a complaint department. This is a reality component. See, the thing is, like I said earlier, it's not who you're paying for in the room, but who you're not when you talk to people that are where you're at and where you want to go. Oh, you'll never, ever, ever have them say, Dude, you're so stupid. That's the dumbest idea. Get back to reality. No, what they'll say is, like, that's an amazing idea, but I don't think you're thinking big enough. Hey, that's what I've been there, done that. Here's what I've done, and here's where I'm at today. Because of that, they'll help you, but you got to show up. You got to talk real. When you get in the right rooms, magic happens. But when I was watching The Boys in the Boat, these guys are busting their There's eight people in the boat, and they're rowing hard. If one is rowing the wrong way, no matter how hard the other seven row, it's not going to end well. See in times right now, pretty much in every time, but time right now specifically, you as the leader, you as the driver. You must stop rowing for a second. Analyze what's going on and get everyone rowing in the right direction. I've been guilty of this many times, so I'm not I'm not throwing shade on you. I'm telling you the truth. This is not this is way easier said than done, but that's why I recommend you leave your little environment you're in every day. Go to Nashville. I don't care if it's my vendor. Go somewhere else.

I don't care. Just get out of your own way. Get out of your environment and get that mind space time when you're sitting in your hotel room after a long day of learning and connecting, and then just let the wheel start spinning. You're sitting in your underwear. You're laying in the bed naked. I don't care what you're doing, but you're doing you your thing, but your brain is moving 100 miles per hour differently. Just have a pad and paper there, just writing down your thoughts, writing down your notes, writing down your ideas. When you come back home, you have a different lens, a different look at the game. And then you put all these pieces together, and you start sharing it with your team, or, more importantly, you share it with yourself. You start executing it, start seeing results, start getting excited. But we gotta row in the right direction. A lot of you are rowing the wrong way harder than you ever have. You can row harder and harder and harder, it still is not going to get you what you want. That's why you need an outside perspective on this, someone that looks at you and is honest with you and says, Yo, man, that was a great business five years ago. You're way different, way bigger now than where you're where you want to go. You got to change your direction. You got to start rowing a different direction, my man, you got to think different. Get around people thinking different. Now this may surprise you, because I am about the money in every business. If they say they're not about the money run because they're trying to get your money. Money is what drives this game. It's a scoreboard. And if you don't have money, you can't hire the best people. If you don't have money, you can't create the best products. You don't have money, you can't live the best life. If you don't have money, you can't give to good charities. But you need bigger, a bigger vision than just money. You need to have. What are you doing all this for? Because you're going to get to a point if you follow anything I do or anything anybody else does, you are going to make a lot of money, the question is,

23:22 what does a lot of money mean to you? The next question is, when you get a lot of money, what do you do with it? Because this is a different game, making it, keeping it, preserving it. These are drastically different actions and mindsets and thought processes. I want you to know you need something bigger. You need a bigger purpose. You know, it's cool when I was able to pay my dad and my mom to stay home. It's cool when I could pay my mom and dad's house off. It's cool if you've been following me for a long time buy my dad his dream car. It's cool for me to do family, Dream family vacations with my in laws, family and my my family and everyone else like that's what I love to do. It's I get excited about it, but I have to take care of me. I had to invest a lot of money. I had to work really hard. I had to work different. If you met me a year ago, I'm different today than I was a year ago. If you met me 10 years ago, I'm not even remotely the same person. Yeah, I'm a good old boy. Yes, I'm handshake guy and all that. But like my thoughts, my ideas, my business brain is drastically different. And I hope yours is too. I want you to model proven businesses as well. See, the thing is, a lot of you guys and gals listen to my voice right now, the biggest problem I see with this modeling thing, like, if you meaning, like, if you see someone like Jeff Bezos, because you're in the tech space and you're like, I want to be Jeff Bezos, that might be something to shoot for, but you can't model Jeff Bezos. He's too far down the path to model him today. Let's say, if your company's doing a million dollars, you can't, I wouldn't recommend modeling anybody doing more than 10 million.
Probably you. Yeah, because that like they're still in the wheelhouse. They're still kind of in the realm of what's going on in your world. Jeff Bezos doesn't move like the ten million company. So if you're a million dollar company modeling that you're you can't even compete or create or your brain can't even think about it truthfully, but you can capture what it takes to do 10 million because it's only 10x you won't understand all the details. You won't see the big you understand that's possible because you know someone doing it. But I see too many people making a little bit of money trying to be the biggest guy, like model, the biggest guy or a gal. It doesn't work out. Well, it just ain't going to work because, like, I have people, for example, I'll use me an example. I had a guy recently asked me, like, Mark, how do I make five grand? I don't. And again, this may sound like douchey, but it's the truth. I don't know how to make five grand. I don't put any thought on making five grand ever. It's too small. Like, why you understand to solve a $5,000 problem is just as easy to solve a 500 grand problem or a $5 million problem. It's actually easier to solve a $5 million problem because you have enough money inside of that $5 million to go hire people to help you could discover the $5 million to make five grand I'm like, sell your car, sell your junk in your house. Go, go sell your service. So to make five grand is so easy. So if he's trying to model me, and he's trying to make five grand, he's gonna be he's gonna be frustrated. He ain't gonna get results, because I don't know how to do it. There's no one in my company, meaning sitting around like, Okay, guys, how do we make five grand today? That conversation has never happened, actually. But if I'm asking that question, maybe in 1996 when I first started, I never asked how to make five grand.

I was asking how to get the job, the next job, how to grow my team. It wasn't about making more money. It's about growing the jobs, growing the team. Because guess what, if you grow the jobs and grow the team, you're going to make more money. Typically, too many people are thinking way too small, trying to small, solve a small problem. And I got to be honest, if you're 30s and 40s trying to figure out $5,000 problem, I'm probably not your guy. I don't understand how anybody in their 30s and 40s and beyond have a $5,000 problem, because in my world, it doesn't exist. No one I hang out with. It doesn't exist. Again, it sounds like I'm being a but it's the truth. No one's telling you the truth. They're all trying to sell you how to do your first deal, you know, you do your first deal, you get on the phone and you call until you do your first deal, and it's problem solved. What do you say? Say whatever you need to say to get the first deal done honestly, be honest, ethical and all that, of course. But you're going to learn your Find Your Voice and doing the work. What you're really saying is, Mark, I'm afraid to mess up. I'm broke, and I don't want to do the work. I just want to learn about doing the work. Go do the work. That's the magic. That's the unfair advantage. I had these two kids. They came to my house, they door, knocked the thing. I talked about it recently, and they just did the service this weekend. They clean. They did the whole driveway and everything.
They made a couple bucks. Biggest job they've ever had, biggest weekend they've ever had. I had to give the job because they came to my door and knocked on my door. I respect it. One was 17 and one was 24 that's what it's about. Get out of your comfort zone. They were scared. Their lips were shaking when they're talking to me. I recognized that they were scared. I recognized that they took the initiative to get out in the streets and do the work that 99.9% of people aren't willing to do. Are you? Are you? The problem to solve is right in front of you go look in the mirror, you solve that problem, looking back at you, whatever you want to create is available, but yet, are you willing to invest in yourself? Are you willing to invest in yourself? One more thing, don't ever stop. Be gritty as hell, persistent through it all, never stop, and every time it gets harder, just look it in the eyes and acknowledge it and laugh at it and get to work and solve it, because those moments are the moments that stretch you to be the person you want to become. See, I always say, be careful for what you wish for, because it may come true. That is true if you don't quit when the resistance hits you. And so many good people get resistance, get beat down, get their. Else, take another win, get the win taken out of their cells, and they just quit. It's the only way, the only way you could ever lose is if you quit. Entrepreneurship is not a pretty game. I know you see these cool pictures, these cool photos, these cool slogans and all this

30:22 but work is where the magic's at, and working on you is where it starts. If you knew how to do it, you'd already be doing it. If you know what you truly want, and you're not taking the steps to get there. That's why you're frustrated, because you know you ain't doing the work to get the results. It's like the guy that wants abs, but he's sitting there eating Cheetos and Doritos. Cheetos and Doritos and drinking soda all day watching TV. Well, no Sherlock, you ain't gonna get any results on that. The only results you're gonna get fatter. If you truly want something, find someone to connect with and work on the plan together. That's why you got to get in a tribe. You got to get in a group. You got to get in a community of people that want to succeed and that are succeeding at levels you didn't even think were possible. As I talk to you, I'm telling you right now, I live a life that I didn't even dream about. It's so crazy. I didn't know what I got, I have today is possible. I wasn't trying to create this life. I was trying to create something way smaller. I just want to retire my mom and dad. I just wanted to buy my dad a dream car. I just want to take care of my family and friends when they need help. That was my dream initially. Then I realized I could do it. And then I got to think bigger. I got to do bigger stuff. I got to help more people. That's why we've been able to raise millions of dollars give multiple houses away to homeless veterans over the years, not because I'm better than you, just because I'm getting in the right room and dreaming bigger and doing bigger work, and you can too. This is why I get frustrated when I see great people. I look them in the eyes and I know they got it. And they keep quitting every day, they give up on their dreams.

They give up on their goals. Why? Because they're talking to dickheads. They're talking to small talkers, small thinkers, small doers, and yet, you're the king of the dipshit because you're just doing one extra thing than they are. Time is running out. You're going to die. I'm going to die. If you died today? Would you be happy with what you did, what you accomplished, what you fought for? I wouldn't be every day I wake up for a fight, every day I'm in the game, even when I don't want to, I have to. I got my kids watching me. I got my wife watching me. I got you listening to me. I got my teams watching my My responsibility is their team, my team and their families. It's not easy, it's not pretty, it's not it's not always fun. Rarely is fun, but that's what I do. It's where I'm at. That's where all people that are doing things in life are at in the game of entrepreneurship. I've done the cool hanging out on the beach for seven years. I've done all that fun stuff, you know, travel the world to my wife. But I'm not just hanging out on the beach. I got my phone with me. I'm doing conference calls. She's on the beach. She's at the today, she's doing I'm working. I'm expanding my vision. I'm expanding my brain. I'm getting in environments where people are doing bigger than me to connect with them all over the world. I just want to see you when at the level you don't even know you're capable of, but you have to do the work. You have to stretch yourself. You gotta, you gotta get to Nashville, to set June 25 and June 26 it will change your life with what you see, what we do with these 100 kids, the gift piece that alone will change your life. Last year, my buddy gave me a Lamborghini Aventador for a birthday gift.

34:02 You know people that one piece a gift to me from someone else. People watching it happen. I didn't know what's happening. People watched it happen. Change their life. Why? Because they're like, whole like, the only gift they've ever seen someone give them is, like, $100 golf gift, golf cart or something. Think about this, you're going to see this stuff happen when we raise $711,000 in 45 minutes, people saw that. It changed their mind. It blew their mind. It's community. Because we have a direction. We have a vision with power. As a collective, to do way more than solo. See, everyone says, Dude, it's so lonely at the top. Well, if that's the case, you've done it wrong, because you bring people with you. It's a journey. You. And by the way, when people say they're at the top, they ain't even ring ladder number one, at what top of what? Top of an anthill? Seriously, look at the people say it. Most people that I've ever actually, all people I've seen that say that have never really accomplished anything big. Entrepreneurship is a lonely sport in general, but it's not lonely at the top. By the time you're at the top, you have so many people in your world. I love these people. I care for them greatly, from hired 1099 vendors to CFOs to accounts to salespeople to implement or like I can't like I think about them all day. They're giving their hours, their most precious asset, their time, to a vision that I've created in my mind, that they've helped me expand for them to go out and do.

I might not express it enough to them. I might not say it often, but I genuinely care about these people. We can change their life. When my buddy, when one of our sales guys text me, he's like, Dude, I bought my dad a car. It was one of his like, that is more exciting than anything to me. Not that I made another cell. I like those messages too, but that's not exciting. It's whatever it's to be expected. Grow a bigger vision, get around big vision, doers, creators, implementers, and see the results. There's someone that believes in you and there's someone that's always believed in you. Maybe they're still alive, maybe they're not. My question is, do you want to make them proud? Do you want to show them what you're really capable of? Or do

36:55 you want to just quit? Or just want to live small because you're scared. We're all scared. But is fear controlling you? Or are you controlling fear? We'll find out. There's a lot of you listening to my voice right now, a lot. June 25 and June 26 Nashville, Tennessee, be the last time we can hang out in this kind of environment. I hope you're there. Dealmaker experience.com get your ticket. Message me on Instagram when you get it, and if you already have one, message me at Mark Evans DM, let me know I'm in the game and to win with you, but you got to show up to the game. And if you don't keep coming here for free, keep learning for free, and enjoy the free life. It's not so special. The Free Life is nothing. Because if you're not willing to invest in yourself, why would other people invest in you? Why would your customers invest with you? I'm not saying you can't make a little bit of money, but that's about it, a little bit of money. There's so much more to the game than just a little bit of money. There's a team aspect to it, a community aspect to it, a vision aspect to it, a growth mind aspect to it, whatever you think you're capable of. It's 100 times bigger. You just got to get around and borrow other people's beliefs. See it for real. You'll see that. Go check out dealmaker experience.com. See who's coming to speak. See what's going on. It will be life changing. Changes my life every year,

38:32 every year. I hope it will change yours. I'll see you June 25 and June 26 in Nashville, Tennessee. So what that said? Make today count. I'm hurting, helping teach him about what I know and how I did it, to discover freedom. There ain't no question mark. Kevin's when he stepping the dial, he's closing deals. Time to tell him what the DM stand for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker. The journey's where it's at. It's all about the process. I'm the kid over to the DM projects, small town in Ohio. So I know how it is, and I come from a lot of money. I remember it as a kid. Wanted to make a money brat and see no one make it more than that. Graduated high school with a 1.8 shoulda held me back? All my principals and teachers are alive just to witness this. I'm on ball. Somehow you're running to a bigger businesses. Walk away from it all, and I'll be good. But I've been called to help people, just like y'all learn again. It's come to Paul everybody chasin the money. But I'm not chasing the money. I'm out here chasing the purpose. Yo, I've been working my whole life. Get us where we at? Is it gonna get us where we at? Is it gonna get us where we want to go? I'm hurting helping teach him what I know and how I did it to discover freedom. There ain't no question more Kevin's when he stepping it down, he's closing down to tell him what the DM stand. Fall, I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker. The journey's where it's at. It's all about the process. I'm working here. Deal maker, deal maker, maker, deal maker, deal maker, makeup.

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