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Mark Evans | Making Of A DM

EP 142: What Are You Doing (or NOT Doing) That's Robbing You of Your Future ...

Mark Evans | Making Of A DM         Mark Evans | Making Of A DM        
EP 142: What Are You Doing (or NOT Doing) That's Robbing You of Your Future ...           EP 142: What Are You Doing (or NOT Doing) That's Robbing You of Your Future ...          
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    Do you have the courage to earn $1,000,000 a year?

    Reason why I ask: most entrepreneurs are making, on average, $60,000 a year — less than a J.O.B.

    To add insult to injury, they’re working 80 hours a week, hustling their face off, and not spending any time with their kids — the very reason WHY they started this business in the first place.

    Making $1,000,000 a year is everyone's dream. And it’s possible, with this concept.


    In today’s episode, I reveal this concept you can use to start earning $1,000,000 a year.

    Listen now.

    Show highlights include:

    • An entrepreneur who sold his business for $1 BILLION — that’s with a B — teaches you how at (this) event on the 1st of March 2023 (2:45)
    • The insidious mindset 95% of entrepreneurs possess (which locks them into a permanent state of low profits, 80 hour weeks, and no freedom) (7:00)
    • How to add 4 hours back into your day by “systemizing” your business with the exact model I used when I first started out (9:59)
    • Double the amount of real estate deals you do in a month by spending $5,000 (15:52)
    • Why answering the “WIIDFW” question transforms your struggling business into a thriving one (16:01)
    • Afraid of an employee making a mistake? Here’s why you should celebrate employees goofing up (21:01)
    • Why trying to save $60,000 a year on a W2 employee costs you $120,000 (or $180,000) in the long term (24:37)
    • The counterintuitive reason why earning a million dollars a year isn’t THAT much money in the grand scheme of things (26:56)

    Make a donation to Operation Underground Railroad and help save children from sex trafficking by going to https://my.ourrescue.org/deal. If you make a donation, shoot me a message on Instagram at @MarkEvansDM and say “operation underground railroad,” and I’ll send you a cool gift.

    Did you enjoy this episode? Let me know by leaving a 5-star review. Then send me a DM on Instagram @MarkEvansDM letting me know you left a 5-star review and I might send you a pretty cool gift.

    If you want exclusive content and the first chance to grab my new book Magicians vs Mules when it releases, head over to https://markevansdm.com/ and sign up for updates.

    For cool gifts, gear, and a chance to enter a giveaway I’m having, head over to https://magicianvsmule.com/ and enter your email address.

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