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Mark Evans | Making Of A DM

EP 60: Giving Yourself PERMISSION To Succeed In Life And In Business?

Mark Evans | Making Of A DM         Mark Evans | Making Of A DM        
EP 60: Giving Yourself PERMISSION To Succeed In Life And In Business?           EP 60: Giving Yourself PERMISSION To Succeed In Life And In Business?          
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    Most entrepreneurs are miserable. They might make a lot of money and have a lot of freedom, but they trap themselves in agony. 


    Because they don’t give themselves permission to do whatever they want. Instead of buying a Lambo, they ask others for permission and drown themselves in mediocrity. 

    Buying a Lambo doesn’t mean you can’t also invest $300,000 in a new business, crypto, or real estate. You can do both — but you have to give yourself permission FIRST. 

    In this episode, I’m revealing how to finally give yourself permission so you can live your dreams instead of living in everyone else’s mediocrity. 

    Here Are The Show Highlights:

    • Why cigars help you connect with people in today’s world more effectively than “talking shop” (2:08) 
    • How donating to charity grows your business (3:47) 
    • The “Newspaper Secret” created by one of the world’s greatest marketers for building lifelong friendships with strangers (5:45) 
    • The counterintuitive way setting cosmic-sized goals instantly makes you more accountable (9:04) 
    • Why paying your babysitter when you travel and don’t need her makes your business more profitable (9:38) 
    • How money sabotages your relationships (11:38) 
    • Why entrepreneurs subconsciously cage themselves in misery (and how to break free from your self-induced chains) (17:07) 
    • How blowing over $300,000 on a Lambo helps you make more money (20:27) 
    • The “PCE Strategy” that helps you drive exotic cars, live in a $5 million mansion, and achieve all your wildest dreams without ever worrying about money again (28:22) 

    Did you enjoy this episode? Let me know by leaving a 5-star review. Then send me a DM on Instagram @MarkEvansDM letting me know you left a 5-star review and I might send you a pretty cool gift. 

    If you want exclusive content and the first chance to grab my new book Magicians vs Mules when it releases, head over to https://markevansdm.com/ and sign up for updates. 

    For cool gifts, gear, and a chance to enter a giveaway I’m having, head over to https://magicianvsmule.com/ and enter your email address.

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