“It just would not make sense if we didn't identify them so that when we saw them show up, we would have a plan, a method in order to get over it, around it, through it, under it, whatever we're going to do.” – Darin Persinger
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Numbers never Lie:
$250,000 – According to the NAR Member Profile Report, only 4% of real estate agents make $250,000 or more.
Main Topic:
Overview of the 10 roadblocks
Roadblock #1 – Do Nothing
Roadblock #2 – Wasting Money
Roadblock #3 – Environment
Roadblock #4 – Resistance
Roadblock #5 – SOI
Roadblock #6 – Time
Roadblock #7 – Mindset
Roadblock #8 – Plan/Strategy
Roadblock #9 – Consistency
Roadblock #10 – The Leads
Show sponsor:
The Book: The 5 Levels Of Success For A Real Estate Agent http://makingagentsrich.com/5levelsbook/
Links and other stuff mentioned in this show:
1. What if you could 10x your real estate business? Think Bigger
2. Your Magic Bullet for Success in your real estate business Think Consistency
3. Why 90% of Realtors fail (and what you can do to avoid it) Think Strategy