“Ballantyne's Law: The more you know about how to do the technological things on the Internet, the less money you're going to make. Let someone else worry about the lighting, the camera, the audio, and you just be the expert in what it is that you do.” – Darin Persinger
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Numbers never Lie:
The average adult will spend over 5 hours per day online, on nonvoice mobile activities or with other digital media this year, eMarketer estimates, compared to 4 hours and 31 minutes watching television. Daily TV time will actually be down slightly this year, while digital media consumption will be up 15.8%.
Main Topic:
Why You Don’t Need To Be A Tech Savvy Real Estate Agent To Grow your Business
Three tips:
1. Just because you can do it yourself doesn’t mean you should
2. Most tech involves a huge learning curve of setup
3. FOCUS is more powerful than any technology or tool, because the things that you focus on can either make you successful or cause you to fail.
Links and other stuff mentioned in this show:
1. Digital Set to Surpass TV in Time Spent with US Media http://www.emarketer.com/Article/Digital-Set-Surpass-TV-Time-Spent-with-US-Media/1010096#tBiLOeBDr48XvAJq.99