“We're obsessed with this celebrity thing, and I just want to point out that celebrity does not equate to wealth. All celebrity equates to is celebrity.” – Darin Persinger
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Numbers never Lie:
After two years of retirement, 78 percent of NFL players are bankrupt
Main Topic:
Former NFL quarterback Vince Young has gone from $25.7 million guaranteed to Chapter 11
Three tips:
First Things First, WHY or WHAT? Why are you doing this?
What do you want?
1. Ego, Recognition
2. Some extra income
3. Flexible Time
OR 4. Freedom = Money + Time
1. Software and Tools
2. Over-staffing, too soon Suze Orman, wrote article on LInked In, No assistant
3. Not Tracking – Where you are spending your money and time, and what is bringing the real return
Links and other stuff mentioned in this show
1. Former NFL quarterback Vince Young has gone from $25.7 million guaranteed to Chapter 11
2. How successful do you want to be? The Five Levels of Success
3. Why perfection is your worst enemy Think Progression
4. The three stages of financial freedom Financial Freedom