Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

This is no joke.

In a few short hours my next issue of The Podcast Mogul newsletter goes to the printer.

The next one is my 24th.

Inside you'll find timeless tips for networking, getting more downloads, becoming a better leader, and making more sales.

In fact…

I'm sharing 24 of my best tips from the last 24 issues.

Buy on issue and you'll get 24 of my BIG MONEY lessons including:

* The 3 letter formula for effortless influence p2
* How to get people BINGE listening to your show p5
* Dean Jackson's dirty podcasting secret p12
* The P3 Leadership Matrix p19

And a whole bunch more inside the next issue.

Subscribe now while you still have time http://PodcastMogul.com

Jonathan “The King of Podcasting” Rivera


Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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