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Without headaches or hassles

I read an interesting book on positioning the other day.

It's a classic written by Al Ries and Jack Trout.

My big takeaway from the book is we are living in an over-communicated society.

People are being hit with so many marketing messages they are becoming senseless to it all.

They authors say the best way to stand out in an over-communicated society is to over simplify your message.

Make it easy for people to understand.

Make it easy for people to connect with.

And this will make it memorable.

That's why I'm going to keep today's message simple so you remember it.

The first “Podcast Mogul” newsletter shipped today.

If you missed it, too bad.

Right now there's no way to get back issues so don't ask.

If I do make back-issues available it will only be to active subscribers.


To make sure you don't miss another issue sign up at http://PodcastMogul.com.

Producer Jonathan

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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