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Logan Christopher | Health Sovereign Podcast

Changing the Dream of Modern Medicine with John Perkins

Logan Christopher | Health Sovereign Podcast         Logan Christopher | Health Sovereign Podcast        
Changing the Dream of Modern Medicine with John Perkins           Changing the Dream of Modern Medicine with John Perkins          
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    In this episode, you’ll discover:

    • What pharmaceutical companies really sell you (Hint: it’s NOT better health). (2:25)
    • One change you can make this afternoon that’ll make you happier for decades to come. (7:21)
    • How you can change the world with your money and time, even if you have zero free time and no disposable income. (11:35)
    • What you can learn from indigenous tribes about health, economics and happiness. (16:29)
    • How to get an incredible “education” without going to a school. (17:44)

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