Kyle Newell | Unlocking Your Inner Strength
Become Obsessed with Success
In today’s show, the human strength expert Kyle Newell debunks the myths of the fitness industry.
Here are the show highlights of Become Obsessed with Success:
- Kyle’s fitness experience (1:31)
- Myth on cardio (2:30)
- Cardio for fat loss (4:23)
- Cardio and endurance running (6:49)
- Myth on isolating muscles (8:08)
- Training for strength and power (10:03)
- Myth on diet (11:32)
- Taking control of stress (15:22)
- Myth on core training (17:05)
- Recap (18:45)
Topic that got back and forth with for some time. Used to struggle with it. Not about being aware of it. Could not turn off drive.
Sleep is adequate. Want balance. But, recalls what dave tate taught him years ago “
Download and listen to Become Obsessed with Success to know the truth behind the most common myths in the fitness industry. An expert in his field, Kyle wants to help people get better in life. Share this to your friends, family, and loved ones.
If you have any suggestions or other interesting ideas, please contact Kyle at or at You can also leave a comment or review on today’s show. We love hearing from you!