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Kevin Christie | Modern Chiropractic Marketing Show

Your 2020 Marketing Planning

Kevin Christie | Modern Chiropractic Marketing Show         Kevin Christie | Modern Chiropractic Marketing Show        
Your 2020 Marketing Planning           Your 2020 Marketing Planning          
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    As a listener of this podcast, you probably want to improve your practice in 2020—whether that means more patients, fewer patients at higher rates or less time spent working.

    However you want to change your practice, you’ll have to convey your new vision to your patients with marketing. In this episode, you’ll find out how to plan your marketing for 2020 so your vision of a flourishing practice.

    Ready to evolve your practice to the next level and leave behind your mistakes? Listen now and become the chiropractor you know you can be in 2020.

    Show highlights include:

    • The 3 categories of social media activities you need to think about in 2020 (this has nothing to do with video, pictures, or copy). (5:12)
    • The most important thing to consider when planning out your marketing campaigns—ignore this and even the best marketing campaign will be completely useless. (8:32)
    • 4 systems you can run on autopilot that can can save you time and bring in more money in 2020. (12:37)
    • How to divide $1000/month into ad spend for an effective marketing strategy (these might be different in your area and for your practice!). (15:50)

    Get your ticket for Parker seminars at: https://parkerseminars.com

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