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Justin Wise | Think Digital

Validate Before You Create

Justin Wise | Think Digital         Justin Wise | Think Digital        
Validate Before You Create           Validate Before You Create          
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    In this fast-moving business world, you can’t afford to waste time and money. One bad investment of any resource can topple market leaders and kill up and coming businesses.

    This episode teaches you how to minimize the role chance plays in your marketing. You will know the exact words your target market will respond to.

    Using this info, you can save money on ineffective marketing campaigns and avoid deadly mistakes while making your marketing more profitable.

    Show highlights:

    – How to lower your odds of failure by 65% (1:40)

    – The 3 (+1) questions which predict If an offer will be profitable and which words will reliably sell the offer (4:50).

    – Google’s free tool you can use to execute this strategy (5:35)

    – How to get your target market to tell you the exact language which will sell them on your offer (7:40)

    – One time-saver question to ask if you want to find profitable markets to sell to—and identify unprofitable audiences to ignore. (12:35)

    – The bonus question which reveals if your offer will resonate and make you money (15:50)

    Take a minute to join our private Facebook group for FRESH marketing insights, front-lines access to Justin and his team, plus “we-should-have-to-pay-for-this-but-they're-free” trainings


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