Igor Kheifets | List Building Lifestyle
How To Stop Buying Into Your Own Bullshit

Meet Bob.
Bob joins a business opportunity.
Bob tries to make money and fails.
Bob decides its not him for and goes back to a boring job.
Six months later Bob realizes he hates his life and tries again.
This time with a different business opportunity.
And the cycle repeats itself for the next 5 years.
Throughout the process, having tried and failed so many times, Bob questions everything:
– The opportunity
– The tools
– The traffic
– The mentor and so on
Today I’m going to mock Bob. HARD!
Because Bob is the classic biz opp junkie who refuses buys into their own bullshit.
And if Bob’s smart – Bob’s going to listen and apply what I show today.
If not, Bob’s going to struggle for another decade I guarantee it!