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Igor Kheifets | List Building Lifestyle

How To Make The Marketplace Hand You Everything You Want

Igor Kheifets | List Building Lifestyle         Igor Kheifets | List Building Lifestyle        
How To Make The Marketplace Hand You Everything You Want           How To Make The Marketplace Hand You Everything You Want          
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    That’s the #1 most common behavior I see online.

    No wonder.

    When you’re brand new, that’s all you can do, really…

    You just model after the gooroos…

    Do as they do in hopes to get the results they get.

    But then you learn it’s not that simple.

    And modeling the gurus never seems to yield guru-like results.

    Why’s that?

    How come following their exact systems never works as it should?

    Why copying their emails word for word doesn’t get you the same 50% open rates they get?

    I’ve been puzzled with this question since I got started online.

    Because, just like you, I modeled every guru from Kern to Kennedy without much success.

    Until I finally discovered the one thing that made all the difference in the world.

    Discover what it is in the new episode of the List Building Lifestyle

    Have a podcast in 30 days

    Without headaches or hassles


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