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Igor Kheifets | List Building Lifestyle

7 Ways To Tell If You're An Amateur

Igor Kheifets | List Building Lifestyle         Igor Kheifets | List Building Lifestyle        
7 Ways To Tell If You're An Amateur           7 Ways To Tell If You're An Amateur          
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    Everyone online wants to be regarded as a pro by his audience.

    Too bad most people end up looking like amateurs.

    And by amateur, I don’t mean unskilled.

    I mean approaching business in a way that keeps you lower in the food chain.

    Afte reading Steven Pressfield’s “Turning Pro,” I discovered seven telltale signs you’re an amateur.

    I reveal them to you today, but I won’t stop there.

    I take it a step further by also showing you a couple strategies.

    These strategies are so powerful that take you out of amateur hour and put you in the ranks of successful online pros.

    All yours in today’s podcast.

    Have a podcast in 30 days

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