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Show highlights include:

  • How having faith in trusted advisors overcomes your fears of hopelessness (4:18)
  • Why hiring a financial advisor helps you reach financial freedom (even if you are already doing well) (5:22)
  • The unconventional way working out at the gym that lets you grow your bank account (7:10)
  • How making the most common “Me, Myself, and I” mistake prevents you from achieving your goals (9:36)

Ready to stop doing what you hate? Go to https://calendly.com/bright-tree-financial/rapid-retire-assessment-appointment?month=2021-05  and schedule your free 20 minute Rapid Retire Assessment!

You will know on a scale of 1-10 your Rapid Retire Financial Fitness! After the assessment you'll receive a free copy of my book Paying for College in the 21st Century!

Read Full Transcript

Do you hate the thought of working past 55 or 60? Do you hate not being able to live the life you deserve today? Do you hate not knowing what your financial future looks like? It's time to stop doing what you hate, here's your host, Mr. Harold Green.

(00:19): This is Harold Green and it is show 100. That's right. One honey show one, honey, honey show 100. That's right. This is show 100. I cannot believe that I've been at this for a hundred episodes. To be honest, I didn't even think I would make it through like 50, but you know, I told myself in 2020 that I would give this a year and see how it went and to challenge myself and just to see how far I could go see what kind of results I could get. And honestly, you know, it's my first year doing this and like anything else, it takes about 18 months to become super proficient at anything that you take on. And there's a lot of growing pains along the way. And you know, I started off the show years ago and actually in 2020, the title being it's time to stop doing what you hate, stop doing what you hate.

(01:26): And along the way, you know, I've met so many different people, some doing what they love, but a lot of people doing absolutely the things they hate because they need to, they don't sometimes they just don't know what else to do. And so I want to bring hope. I want to bring encouragement and I want to bring joy and I want to make people happy and give people, you know, a sense of wellbeing and that everything is going to be all right. And sometimes that's hard to do. I had my own share of personal battles throughout the last year from 2020 until now. There's a lot of things that have happened, you know, that have happened good and bad, but you know, I want to focus on the right here and the right now, and that's going to be the title of today's show the right here and the right now.

(02:15): And you know, I've been thinking about this for awhile and you know, this is show 100 and you know, I wanted it to be special, but I also wanted it to be a bit realistic in terms of, you know, where we are right now and what's been going on in our life. And so today I just want to take, I just want to take inventory and just kind of talk through some of our goals, the things that we've accomplished, some of the things that are still on the plate and just kind of walk you through how to prepare yourself for the new year and the kind of mindset that you got to have going into the new year. I'm telling you, you got to think this way, if you don't, it's going to be very, very disastrous for your situation. And I'll share with you that the end of the show, but I want to talk about the right here and the right now and the purpose of the show.

(03:05): And that is to eliminate bad financial planning, bad financial decisions, one person at a time, one client at a time. And like I said, if I could help more people through the show at, at, you know, all at the same time, that's great. But realistically, and the one-on-one situations, when people come in and they sit down and they talk to me, or they do a zoom meeting with me, you know, we discover so many different things about where they were, where they've been, who they've been working with, what happened with them and you know, how did they get to where they are right now? And there was a lot of things that have happened in people's lives. And a lot of people have been taken advantage of by, you know, quote unquote trusted advisors. And a lot of times they, you know, people just didn't know what they didn't know, and they were doing what they needed to do to pretty much get by.

(03:54): And so there's a lot of people out there now that are just turned off to having somebody on their team. And, and it's just really, really hard. It's really, really hard. And and I just find that interesting. So I'll share a little bit more about things as I go throughout the show, some of the things I've seen and heard and whatnot, but I want to talk about the right here right now. It's been a very fast year. Things have gone by so fast and we find ourselves in the midst of another type of a variant. And this thing is going to be was for a long time. Everybody knows that, but you know, I can't believe the amount of fear that I'm seeing in society. You know, I just cannot believe the amount of fear, the amount of fear mongering, the amount of just hopelessness, the amount of just the world's gonna come to an end.

(04:43): You know, I might as well stop trying now my school would just buckle down and just kind of wait for it all to be over with everything was just going to go all to hell and on and on and on. And I, I tell you, I think we have to battle that type of thing with faith. You know, faith fear is basically false evidence appearing real that's that's what I've heard. It said about fear. And we got to battle fear with faith. You know, you gotta have an overcoming mindset. You got to have a, a very optimistic mindset and I'll talk to you about that, but let's take inventory. All right. So 1, 2, 3, let's get it. What was this year like for you? What kind of goals did you set at the beginning of the year? What was your new year's resolution at the beginning of 2021?

(05:34): What did you set out to accomplish in your life? I want you to just get a pen and pad, sit down in a quiet spot and write this stuff down. Right? What were your look at your goals? And I talk to people all the time about setting goals. What were your goals for 2021? What did you accomplish? Did you, were you able to grow your net worth? Were you able to get that promotion that you've always been desiring? Were you able to get that new home you wanted? Were you able to get that new car you want it? Were you able to get your kids into the college that they wanted to go to without going broke and spending your entire life savings? Were you able to make an impact on the world through the things that you do every day, we're able to do anything for your community?

(06:27): Did you get better as a person? Did you become a better mom or dad? Did you become a better spouse? What were your goals for 2021? What did you accomplish? And then the next question I have for you is I want you to think about that. And then, then who helped you accomplish those goals? Right? Did you set out to hire a personal trainer, a new financial advisor? Did you join a new mastermind group? Did you get anybody new on your team? Did you hire a new CPA? Did you hire a new attorney? Did you bring on new business associates? Like who helped you do that? Right? Who I want you to think about that? What did you accomplish and who helped you do that? And was it hard? Let's talk about how hard it was or not. For me, I set out to lose as much weight as I possibly could.

(07:19): At the beginning of the year, I was heavy, man. I was, I'm still kind of big, but but I was real big. And I don't want to say how much I weighed because, because it's an embarrassment. And when I told people how much I weighed, they like, nah, man, you don't look that big. And I was like, okay, I must be big as hell. Cause they just trying to be nice about it. But I just sat out on a journey and I was working out by myself. And I think when my, my father-in-law passed away back in February, it w it was real heavy. It was real hard for me. And I looked back at that and I just said, okay, my wife was gone. She was in, she was in Japan. I was just kind of by myself, you know, grieving by myself because of this, this, this pandemic that we had going on.

(08:06): And I was just by myself and I said, you know what? I'm just going to drive by my trainer's gym. And I'm just going to say, yo, John man, look, I want to see what you got. I want to, I think I told you guys story, we hooked up and I got back training again. I'm back in March. I believe it was. And so, you know, and it's, it's been hard. It's been real hard. It's been real hard trying to stick with you know, the diet and things like that. Trying to stick with the eating right, and to stick with the training. And, you know, Monday I went in this past Monday and I was going to straight up cancel. I was feeling like crap, man. I was tired. I have it. And, but I went anyway because I knew that if I went, I would be building on something that I had started.

(08:48): And every time you do something hard, you're building layers upon layers of, of your foundation that nobody ever take away from you. And so that was my goal. And I've lost probably 40 pounds, if not more this year alone. And yeah, it's been hard getting up early, doing all the things that I've been doing. And so accomplishing your goals is going to be hard. Did I have obstacles? Heck yeah, I had obstacles, but shoot, I had to do it. And now it's become part of my lifestyle where, you know, people say, Hey, how did you do it? And I tried to tell them how I did it, but basically it's a lifestyle. And if you're not going to be willing to commit to changing your lifestyle, you're not going to change your trajectory and you're not going to meet your goals. It takes changing lifestyle in order to meet goals and it's hard, but it's something that we have to do.

(09:37): And the next question that I have is what's still left on the table for you for 2021. What goals that you set that you have, not that you have not met yet. What's still on the table. And then the next question is what's preventing you from accomplishing those goals. Like say, if it's a monetary thing you want to make this much more money, what's getting in your way, what's stopping you. I want you to write that stuff down because you know, this is important. If you set those same goals for 2022 and you haven't figured out what's preventing you from accomplishing them in 2021. I mean, it's an exercise in futility, right? You just keep the same on it. And that's what happened to me for like the last 10 to 15 years. You know, I had these goals that I wanted to accomplish.

(10:21): I made some progress, but man, you know what, the biggest person that was getting in my way was me, me, myself, and I was getting in my own way. I was tripping myself up because I kept making bad decisions that kept me from getting to where I really wanted to be. So I had to do a checkup from the neck up and just kind of sit down with people and just kind of talk through this stuff. And it, it helped me, it helped me a lot. And so for 2022, there are two mindsets. You know, that we will see prevalent in our country in 2022, you're gonna either see people with an optimistic mindset or you're going to see people with a pessimistic mindset. And I heard a study that was done, you know, someone by the repeated it the other day. And they said they did a study of how many people were optimist.

(11:15): And then how many people were testing this and three fourths of the pessimists thought they were optimists, you know, and when they were interviewed and the questions were asked and how they thought about certain things, they actually turned it, you know, they're pessimists. They were not optimistic at all. And there's so many people with the pessimistic mindset. Like you better watch out, you better be careful. You better not do this. You better watch for this. You better watch for that. Like, you know what I mean? Here's the thing. There's a lot of incompetence going around in the world, a lot of incompetence and will hear a lot of incompetent. People say a lot of crazy stupid stuff. Right. And I try to get my information from all different sources. And there's a ton of information in the world. I mean, there's so much information in the world.

(12:06): It's just pretty much crazy. And you're going to have to sit there and figure out, which is what's true, what's false. You know, who's trying to get some Monomy and who's trying to scare him into doing something they want for their own personal gain. And they're using my fear and using my insecurity against me to get, to get what they want on me. Like what's going on here? Right? Who's pulling your strings. I talked about invisible Springs and another show. So I was watching this interview by this guy on Bloomberg. And they were interviewing the ex CEO of Goldman Sachs. And he was seeing some very, very interesting stuff. And they were asking him like, okay, so all your predecessors went into politics, right? They went into the government and you know, they wanted to be public servants and so on and so forth.

(12:56): And they said, what about you? Why, why have you not gone into public service? You stay straight up. They didn't ask me said, if you look at the current administration, they're full of people who don't know nothing about finance, who don't have financial backgrounds. Right? So we got this thing where our administration has checked all the boxes, trying to, you know, do identity politics. And they checked all the boxes and they forgot the most important thing. They need people in the country that understand finance and understand how to get us from where we are to where we need to be. That's like new coming to hire me. And then me saying, Hey, you know, I'm black, I'm this I'm that I checked all the identity boxes. So you got to hire me to manage your money. And I don't know what the hell I'm talking about, but I check all the boxes.

(13:38): Like, would you do that in your own personal finances? And the answer is probably no. Right. But you're going to have to look at that. Okay. And there's a lot of crazy things being said, and there's a lot of crazy things going on. And either you're going to take that in and be optimistic about it, or are you going to be pessimistic about it right now? The one of the pessimistic things I hear, and of course we got to watch for it and we got to plan for it, but we don't let that be the be all end all or whatever you, however you want to say it. But you know, we want to talk about the bear market. And, and I talked to my last show about inflation beaters, right. But right here, right now, there's a lot of talk about the market crashing.

(14:21): And to be honest, right, they were talking about this a couple of months ago. Like back in September, right. September is going to be bad. And then, you know, it's going to get better. And then it's going to get bad again towards the end of the year, because they were looking at all these inflation numbers and all this money that's in the economy. And that, you know, they're trying to pump more money into the economy. So what does that mean for the future? Right. So what does it mean? Are we going to go into a bear market or are we going to be in and out of a bear bull market what's going to happen? Right. My opinion is very simple. Now go do your own research because investments do carry risk of loss, right? And so past performance is no guarantee for future results, but I believe things are going to be choppy.

(15:01): And I believe that when things are choppy and as I was telling somebody the other day, a new client that just came on board, you know, we were talking about you know, she was asking a question of like, what happens if the market crash? And I said, well, you're in real estate. What happens when the real estate market crashes? Don't you buy more real estate if you have money. And yeah, I said, it would be in a stock market. It's the same thing. You know, if you have money, then you basically buy more shares of certain holdings. Right? And I want to talk about that in a, in a future show, but in a bear market, that's why we have the rapid retire program. If you, if you're not in the rapid retire program, you shouldn't be because there's the short term bucket, the intermediate bucket and the long-term bucket, the short term bucket is for five years, right?

(15:44): There's enough money in your short-term bucket to last you five years without actually having to be invested in the stock market right now that money is invested, but it's not in super risky stuff that, you know, just kind of, depending on the time it could be part cash. It could be part of stocks. You know, it could be part, I won't do bonds, but it could be part of some different things inside of that short-term bucket because it needs the last five years, right? It needs to be able to go through a different cycle. It needs to be able to go through a bear market. It needs to go through, it need to be, it needs to be able to go to a recession or whatever, right? And so your intermediate bucket in your long-term bucket, that's not money. You're going to need that's money.

(16:21): You're not going to need for like 10 years. Right? If you are in the mindset of accumulating shares of great companies throughout these types of downfalls, that's the most optimistic mindset that you can have. You got to look at companies that are going to be here 10, 15, 20 years from now. Right now, Microsoft. I hope they're here 15 to 20 years from now. I think they will be Google. I think there'll be here. Apple. I think there'll be here, Amazon. I think they will be here. There's a lot of good companies. I think we'll still be here at Costco. If you got to eat, they will still be here. Right? So the mindset has to switch from like, oh God, I don't want to see me. I count going down to, okay, how much of this are we accumulating? Our, you know, growth is great. We want to see capital appreciation.

(17:01): We want to see all of that. Right. But if you're in the mindset, like, yeah, I sell everything to cash. And just like, wait, we might do that from time to time. But I don't think that's the game that you have to play. Right. That's why we have the different buckets. And so I want my clients along with myself to go into 20, 22, having a very optimistic mindset that although things may be bad in certain pockets in certain segments, we want to take advantage of our opportunities. I want to be an opportunistic risk taker, right? If I know a certain company is dropping and they have great fundamentals, I see that as an opportunistic risk play, okay, I'm going to buy in. I'm going to buy more of that company because I know when things turn around and people say, you know, we've got the next quarterly earnings report and it's not all bad.

(17:49): It's actually pretty good. People are gonna say, oh my God. Yeah. Oh my God. I sold too early. Oh my God, I shouldn't have done that. Oh my God, I should have waited. You know, but people panic because there's a lot of fear going on. There's a lot of fear mongering going on and there's a lot of bad. Decision-Making being made by a lot of incompetent people. And you do not want to be affected negatively by that. You want to take advantage of those types of mistakes that other people are making. It's like football. I played sports before. And if you're on offense and you see the defense make a dumb mistake, you got to take advantage of that and score same thing in the financial arena. If you see things that doesn't make sense, like sell offs and things like that, you gotta take advantage of those because that's when you can get in at a different, you know, a lower share price right now, you got to be buying in with money that you're going on not need for 5, 10, 15 years.

(18:38): You shouldn't be doing that in the short term bucket. And we normally don't do that in the short term bucket. But you know, you have to look at your overall plan and, and understand how these things plan. I want you to have a very opportunistic mindset and the year 2022, regardless of the things that you see that are happening around you, right? Friends, neighbors, family members, right. We understand enough about this virus right now, based on all the information that we were told in the very beginning, right? All the information that we've been told from 2019 to 2021, we've been told a lot of stuff, right? What's going to happen with this thing. It's gonna, it's gonna mutate. And it's going to do all of this, but the virus, the vaccine should be effected because this new one and that new one and on and on and on now we're hearing a bunch of stuff that's changing and it's making people question this stuff.

(19:28): And so it's like, all right, understand where you are right here. Right now, understand the goals that you want to set, understand the mindset that you need to have to accomplish all of your goals and let's get it. Don't let anything stand in your way. Don't let any one stand in your way, especially yourself. And the way to get yourself out of the way is to work on the mind, work on your mindset, understand the risk, take precautions, right? Prepare yourself because anything can happen, but you have to be prepared for it. They don't wake up every day and be like, oh man, I can't drive to work because what if I crashed my car? And it hurt somebody. You don't think that way. You have faith that you're going to be able to get from your driveway to your parking spot and back home.

(20:21): And one piece you have to have faith. You have to have faith in yourself. You have to have faith in your team. Okay? And so I want to be a part of your team. If you're not already a minority on your team. If you know, if we're not teamed up yet, check me out, go to show notes, click on the link to schedule an appointment and let's get at it. Let's look at where you are now, right here. Right now. Look at how you got here. And let's look at what you want to do for 2020 and how we can get that done. Because I'm telling you there's opportunities and every single up, down sideways, there's opportunity all around you. And because we live and the land of opportunity, and I'm not going to talk about that in a future show about why people don't have what they need, because they don't take advantage of the opportunities.

(21:09): I heard. It said, you got to be a willing participant in your own life, right? You have to be the captain of your own ship, but you've got to have good ship mates and you gotta have a good water master. You gotta have good navigators. You have to have a good team on that ship. So check me out in the show notes, click on the link to schedule a meeting, you know, rapid retire assessment or wealth management assessment. And definitely I want to get to know you get to know what you're about. Get to know your family, what your family is about, your goals, your dreams, and see if we can make something happen. And until next time everybody, 1, 2, 3, let's get it.

(21:51): This is the podcast factory.com.

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