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Dave Parks | It's My Turn To Care

Hands On Tips from a Doctor of Clinical Christian Counseling

Dave Parks | It's My Turn To Care         Dave Parks | It's My Turn To Care        
Hands On Tips from a Doctor of Clinical Christian Counseling           Hands On Tips from a Doctor of Clinical Christian Counseling          
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    Every dementia case is different and presents unique challenges to the caregiver. It can be easy for you to become overwhelmed. When you have other family members that also need care the difficulty increases exponentially.

    Without the right systems and support in place, you’ll find yourself suffering burnout. Then you can’t help your loved ones or yourself.

    In this episode, doctor of clinical Christian Counseling Cathi Neal joins me to discuss the importance of self-care for caregivers, how to accept help from friends, and when to consider assisted-living care for a family member.

    Here Are The Show Highlights:

    • Why laughing off your loved one’s hallucinations can be dangerous for everyone involved (5:57)
    • The single best way that friends of dementia sufferers can support the efforts of caregivers (8:23)
    • Essential self-care steps that caregivers often ignore, resulting in unnecessary suffering (9:32)
    • One promise that you should never make to a family member (because you break it and hurt the relationship) (13:07)
    • The Counselor’s Secret to providing care and maintaining relationships without building resentment (17:37)
    • Why learning to let go is one of the most important skills a caregiver can have for their own sanity (21:10)

    For daily 5-minute mind exercises, head over and like my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/hcafortworth/

    You can also find additional support and resources by calling Home Care Assistance at 817-349-7599 or visit our websites https://www.homecareassistancefortworth.com/ and https://itsmyturntocare.com/.

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