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Without headaches or hassles

Wanna see what you must do to sell stuff to Gen-X’ers and Millenials?

Then look no further than where a music industry visionary is headed.

(A tip of the hat to guitarist Adrian Belew – a Baby Boomer – for pointing out the obvious.)

I think I’ve identified a major trend.

You’re about to discover the future of marketing to the younger demographics.

OR… you just may have an epiphany that it makes WAY more sense. You may decide to go after the low hanging fruit and only market to the two demographics that control 70% of the discretionary spending in the U.S…

Baby Boomers and Seniors.

The future of marketing is explained here:


If you hate iTunes… or want to listen in on an Android device… or want
to listen online, go here:


All the best,
Doberman Dan

P.S.Look, it’s kinda scary but it’s true. The actual brain chemistry of Gen-X’ers and Millenials has changed.

If the music industry doesn’t get hip to these changes soon… they’re gonna go the way of the dinosaur… post haste.

And so will many marketers if they don’t keep up.

Come see the future here:


If you hate iTunes… or want to listen in on an Android device… OR want
to listen online, go here:


Pax vobiscum.

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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