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Inflation exploded to 8.5% in March of 2022. That means if you have cash sitting around right now, you’re losing more spending power, and your free lifestyle is going down the drain.
It’s no wonder you never see millionaires hoarding cash!…


Every entrepreneur dreams of making their first million. It’s just a number, but it’s the first milestone that shows that you’ve “made it”. 
But if you search around, the internet’s full of conflicting advice on how to get there. 


Society wants you to work tirelessly for your money until you’re 67. 
But why wait until your body is old and broken to “enjoy” life?
The ultra-wealthy live by a different rulebook. They know that money works for you.


Kids grow up thinking they can be anything when they grow up. A doctor, an astronaut… a YouTuber…
Maybe you believed it too. 
But somewhere along the line, life smacks us in the face and trains us to be “realistic”. 


You might think consistency is a good thing. 
But for most people, consistency is driving them towards a life of desperation, depression and poverty. 
That’s because there’s two types of consistency.


Everyone says they want riches, freedom, to travel wherever they want…
But most people never get there because they lack the discipline.
If you’ve got the discipline, there’s still one thing that could hold you back – a strong why.…


One of the biggest lies you’ll hear “it’s who you know”.
You could spend decades honing your skills and be extremely valuable. But if nobody knows you, you won’t make money, and you’ won’t change lives.…


Have you ever set a goal and then abandoned it a few weeks later?
It’s humiliating to go back on your word. And it damages your self-worth.
But maybe it’s not your fault.
Often, abandoning goals is just a sign they weren’t in alignment with your values.…


What would life be like if you never had to work for another dollar in your life?
Whether you want to spend more time with your family, travel the globe, or build a meaningful legacy – there’s a good reason most of us dream of financial freedom.…


We all fall back on routines over and over again. 
You can go a whole day without noticing them, but these habits define who we are as people – and how successful we are in our lives.
Start your day with the habits of a lazy, low-energy loser… you’ll become a lazy, low-energy loser. 


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