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Routines are one of the strongest currents you can ride throughout your life to be both efficient and productive.
However, Type-A perfectionistic people tend to over-adhere to those routines and struggle to know when it’s appropriate to break them.… READ MORE

It’s not surprising that the majority of working women struggle to find their focus.
We notoriously have a lot on our minds. We have so many roles we play, and as we try to move among them rapidly, we can sometimes show up as scattered, frazzled or not present in our daily lives.… READ MORE

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like the outsider? Like you’re standing on the outside of a circle while everyone INSIDE it has what you want? It’s definitely not fun, and it can even be incredibly destructive, leading to feelings of envy, isolation, and depression.… READ MORE

Making good decisions is a difficult task for a lot of us. Even high performing working women who are extremely successful struggle with this. But not knowing how to make good decisions can really slow you down.… READ MORE

If you have ambitious goals and dreams, you most likely know the feeling of having a ‘to do’ list that’s longer than your arm. But do you ever feel like you’re not making any progress against it?… READ MORE

Are you trying to live up to an outdated model for a role you play? One that no longer makes sense in our current environment? If you find yourself feeling like you’re just “not good enough” in one or more of the roles you play, you may need to question the set of rules you’re playing by.… READ MORE

Since this Valentine’s Day week we are in the midst of all things romance.
But for a lot of working moms, romance is the farthest thing from their mind. Today we’re going to talk about why Valentine’s Day might not feel quite the same as it did when you first met your spouse.… READ MORE

Have you ever had an experience in which you felt like a fraud? Or have you ever felt like you don’t deserve what you have? Maybe in business, or in your marriage, or as a mom?
Today we’re going to dig into the underpinnings of what’s often called “imposter syndrome.” I’ll walk through the reasons you may be struggling with this and why it’s so important that you get beyond it.… READ MORE

There is absolutely nothing more exciting than stepping into your potential!
Today we’re going to talk about what’s possible when you playing BIGGER in your life.
We’ll talk about how to shut down any messages that are holding you back and welcome in the messages that encourage you to expand.… READ MORE

Most of us are misdiagnosing our exhaustion. We feel tired but we think it’s because we’re not getting enough exercise…or maybe its age… or maybe its hormonal.
So we shrug our shoulders and refuel mid-day with coffee or sugar.… READ MORE

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