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For many of us, working from home is new territory. It was one thing to maintain brilliant balance when there was a clear separation between work and home, but this is an entirely new dynamic.
If you’re finding yourself increasingly frustrated trying to be productive in your work while still being present for your family, this episode is for you.… READ MORE

Some of the most difficult situations to face in life are times of uncertainty. Believe it or not, most of us are better able to cope and prepare when we know something bad is going to happen versus when we’re not sure what to expect.… READ MORE

It’s important to view the world from an honest and informed perspective. After all, you can’t just stick your head in the sand and pretend that everything is always fine. But if you feel yourself slipping into an anxious state based on external factors, it’s important to understand what causes this…and also how you can overcome it.… READ MORE

Staying connected in our current environment of quarantine and social distancing requires creativity. It’s not an option to turn yourself into a hermit simply because you’re forced to stay away from other people physically.… READ MORE

As current events take over the news and our conversations, it seems that our world has completely changed overnight. Women are faced with adjusting to their “new normal.” Staying at home and social distancing are one thing, but how do you respond to the very real threats this downturn poses to your career and economic stability?… READ MORE

Years ago, my approach to time management was like that of a swimmer. I focused on what was in front of me, got it done and moved on to the next thing. And when life is calmer, like the water in a pool, this approach to time management works well.… READ MORE

Have you ever been frustrated because you couldn’t seem to get your message across to another person? Have you been in the middle of a conversation and said something that seemed to shut down dialogue, but weren’t sure why?… READ MORE

Roughly 18% of the U.S. population suffers from crippling anxiety, and a much larger percentage deals with anxiety on some level. You may even struggle with this yourself.
It can be difficult to be around people who are experiencing anxiety without being at risk of internalizing some of that anxiety as your own…
Unless you know how to prevent it.… READ MORE

When couples decide to have a baby, maybe they have a good idea of how much time it will take to feed and rock and change diapers … but how much extra work does a child create in a household, and how do successful couples divide it?… READ MORE

Do you ever worry that you work too much? You love the work you do and know that it provides benefits, to your clients, your family, and to you. But when the motivation to work begins to take priority over your family, relationships, or personal life, has it gone too far?… READ MORE

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