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Billy Gwaltney | Cover Your Assets

Certainty is the expectation

Billy Gwaltney | Cover Your Assets         Billy Gwaltney | Cover Your Assets        
Certainty is the expectation           Certainty is the expectation          
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    We live in an uncertain and unpredictable world where one small mistake can cause untold decades of suffering. Becoming disabled, for example, threatens your ability to make a living, pay off your student loan debt, and provide for your family.

    That’s the bad news.

    The good news?

    Picking the right disability insurance creates certainty out of thin air. Especially if you suffer from a career-ending injury.

    In this episode, you’ll discover how to create certainty with your disability insurance plan. And how this small decision prevents years of financial turmoil.

    Listen now.

    Show highlights:

    • How insurance agencies and brokers trick you into picking an awful disability policy (and how to avoid this) (2:07)
    • Why relying on your financial advisor for your disability insurance can leave you broke and unemployable (2:33)
    • How to add certainty to your medical career (even if you suffer from a career-ending injury) (3:30)
    • The single deadliest mistake physicians make in their financial plan which can sacrifice decades of education and income in mere seconds (5:13)

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