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Bob Gardner | Alive and Free

What If We're Wrong?

Bob Gardner | Alive and Free         Bob Gardner | Alive and Free        
What If We're Wrong?           What If We're Wrong?          
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    When something goes wrong in your life, your first step is usually to figure out what happened and try to find a solution. And it makes sense — society has brainwashed us into thinking this is the only way to solve problems.

    But what you don’t realize is that noticing a problem sets you up to create more problems in every facet of your life. What if there was an easier and better way to live your life?

    In this episode, I’m sharing the real way to eliminate all of your problems without going to war with them because you always create more problems for yourself by doing so. And I’ll give you the framework to create more opportunities, freedom, and peace in your life than anything else.

    Here Are The Show Highlights:

    • The #1 FBI Hostage Investigator’s secret for creating win-win scenarios during tough times (9:56)
    • How an “us vs them” mentality deceives you into thinking you’re solving a problem when you’re actually making it worse (10:21)
    • The case for not trying to find and solve problems in your addictions, relationships, and life (12:04)
    • How you create enemies out of thin air without even realizing it (13:42)
    • Why always trying to win is the quickest route to defeat and disappointment (15:26)
    • The reason trying to attack your problems in life never works — even if you win (15:58)
    • The counterintuitive way to instantly eliminate all of your problems (18:05)
    • Why plants are better at solving problems than you (19:08)

    If you want to radically change how much control you have over your emotions in as little as 20 days, you can go to https://thefreedomspecialists.com/feelbetternow and sign up for the Choose Your Own Emotion course.

    If you or somebody you know is looking to drop the ‘F’ Bomb of freedom in your life and break free from addiction, depression, anxiety or anything that’s making you feel flat-out stuck, head over to www.liberateaman.com and book a call where we can look at your unique situation and give you the roadmap you’ve been missing.

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