I resisted it for years,
But I'm finally doing it because I know it'll help you.
What am I talking about?
Videos of course.
I used to hate doing videos because I didn't know what to say or do and they took too much work. But this year I've committed to creating more videos.
In fact, I've got all kinds of videos up on my You Tube Channel http://thepodcastfactory.com/youtube
When you go there you'll find cool stuff like:
“How to make moolah podcasting” – 29:38
“What is the best podcast hosting” – 2:20
“How to always be interesting” – 1:27
And there's even book reviews and other tips to make you a better podcaster and person.
Check them out for yourself and while you're there make sure you subscribe http://thepodcastfactory.com/youtube
Producer Jonathan