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In this episode, you’ll learn…

The real way you can change the world that nobody ever talks about (2:39)
The “A-word” that rubs off on everyone you come in contact with and helps them reach their full potential (2:56)
The trick for having your positivity spread like a wildfire (4:54)
The subtle mindset shift that instantly turns your problems into opportunities (8:02)
4 principles to live your life by to become the best version of yourself (10:35)
How an old, forgotten song can help you stay positive even in tough times (14:07)


In this episode, you’ll learn…

The oncologist’s secret for staying positive when dealing with tough situations (1:32)
How social media subconsciously creates doubt and anxiety in you (6:34)
The trick for using social media in a positive way to build relationships with other people (7:38)
How something as simple as being positive can magically attract better opportunities into your life (8:23)


In this episode, you’ll learn…

How to turn a bad day around in 20 minutes or less (3:49)
The radio personality’s secret for not getting bummed out by all the bad news in the world (4:18)
How to control your emotions — especially when someone is being mean and negative (5:27)
The six-word question to ask yourself when someone is negative that prevents you from lashing out on them (5:51)
The trick to living a more enjoyable and fulfilling life (9:21)


In this episode, you’ll learn…

How something as simple as thinking positive opens a world of opportunity for you (1:26)
Do you struggle staying positive? Try these two tricks… (3:20)
How to leverage your own natural selfishness to improve the lives of others (3:52)
The biggest mistake you make when someone is negative to you (5:54)
The 3-word phrase that instantly eliminates negativity (12:10)


In this episode, you’ll learn…

How to stop negative people in their tracks before their negativity wears off on you (5:19)
The most important thing you need to build that ensures you leave a successful legacy behind (6:07)
Are you always complaining?…


In this episode, you’ll learn…

The one question to ask yourself that instantly helps you make a bigger impact in others’ lives (5:06)
Bob Barker’s secret for supporting a great cause in 8 seconds or less (9:36)
The magic “P-word” that erases even the toughest rivalries (12:09)
The subtle mindset shift that ensures you maximize your legacy (18:10)


In this episode, you’ll learn…

The positivity hack that works during tough times (2:47)
The contradictory way to create a huge impact that’s hardly ever talked about (3:54)
How to “reprogram” your brain to see the positive in people — especially when they’re being negative (4:43)
The infectious “J-word” that brings different people together with ease (5:38)
Jesus’s secret for impacting millions of lives (7:27)


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