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Society pressures us into minimizing time alone. We worry about feeling lonely, seeming selfish, or looking like a loser if we’re rolling solo.
But protecting time to do exactly what YOU want to do is darn near magical.… READ MORE

Have you ever met someone who seems to get ALL THE THINGS done?
When they say, “I’m going to…” (whether it’s start eating healthy, get more organized, or start exercising) they make it happen!… READ MORE

It doesn’t matter if you’re working, retired, independently wealthy, or currently unemployed… money matters…a lot. And if you don’t think that’s true, just try ignoring money completely for a few months and see what happens!… READ MORE

You’re busy. You’re tired. You’re in charge of the kids.
I’ve been there. But if these are your three big reasons for not working out (even though you WANT to), then today’s episode is for you.… READ MORE

Between work, school, kids, and everything in between, eating healthy often gets put on the back burner. The good news is there are a few things you can do to make sure you dig into a healthy and balanced meal…even if it’s taken to-go!… READ MORE

January is the time of year that millions of us buy beautiful new daily planners. There are so many to choose from, and we all love the thrill of picking the perfect one for us. The anticipation is delicious.… READ MORE

Don’t you just love beginnings…they’re so full of possibilities!
The new year is an extremely powerful time to channel your best positive attitude and optimistic outlook… but unless it’s done correctly your best intentions may fall flat.… READ MORE

As the holiday season fast approaches, we are faced with yet another opportunity to pause, reflect, and of course…celebrate.
Today’s episode is a blessing. Something uplifting. And something for you to contemplate as you go through this precious week between Christmas and New Years Day.… READ MORE

You in November: Christmas is coming! I can’t wait. Baileys, sparkly lights, buying presents, Michael Buble. What’s not to love?
You in December: OH MY GOODNESS! I am so overwhelmed. There’s so freaking much to do.… READ MORE

The holiday season is fast approaching. The brisk weather, festive wreaths, and towering Christmas trees should top off the happiest season of all. But for many women – especially mothers – this festive period can bring on a whole new set of expectations that make the season less about enjoying fun and family, and more about pressure to create ‘the perfect Christmas’ for everyone else.… READ MORE

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