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As current events take over the news and our conversations, it seems that our world has completely changed overnight. Women are faced with adjusting to their “new normal.” Staying at home and social distancing are one thing, but how do you respond to the very real threats this downturn poses to your career and economic stability?… READ MORE

Years ago, my approach to time management was like that of a swimmer. I focused on what was in front of me, got it done and moved on to the next thing. And when life is calmer, like the water in a pool, this approach to time management works well.… READ MORE

Have you ever been frustrated because you couldn’t seem to get your message across to another person? Have you been in the middle of a conversation and said something that seemed to shut down dialogue, but weren’t sure why?… READ MORE

Roughly 18% of the U.S. population suffers from crippling anxiety, and a much larger percentage deals with anxiety on some level. You may even struggle with this yourself.
It can be difficult to be around people who are experiencing anxiety without being at risk of internalizing some of that anxiety as your own…
Unless you know how to prevent it.… READ MORE

When couples decide to have a baby, maybe they have a good idea of how much time it will take to feed and rock and change diapers … but how much extra work does a child create in a household, and how do successful couples divide it?… READ MORE

Do you ever worry that you work too much? You love the work you do and know that it provides benefits, to your clients, your family, and to you. But when the motivation to work begins to take priority over your family, relationships, or personal life, has it gone too far?… READ MORE

When you started your career, you were probably optimistic and excited for what it could hold. But when the excitement fades and you find yourself at odds with your job, it can be difficult to admit that you’ve fallen out of love with your career.… READ MORE

We all know what it is like to feel “crazy busy” all the time. Between work, household management, and children’s activities, you can’t even think about adding something new to your schedule.
This level of “busy” could be causing you unforeseen health issues as well as preventing you from making positive changes for yourself and your family.… READ MORE

When a relationship begins it’s exciting and new; but when the honeymoon is over and you add children into the mix, the pressures of parenting can take its toll on your relationship.
Today we are joined by Figs O’Sullivan, a licensed Family and Marriage Therapist and founder of Empathi who has made it his life’s mission to help couples become more connected.… READ MORE

When you make big changes, whether in your business or your personal life, you may face feelings of fear, anxiety, or even inadequacy.
When these feelings come up, you might see that as a “sign” that you were never meant to have those goals instead of seeing them for what they are: resistance.… READ MORE

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