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For many of us, it’s easy to fall in love with the ‘hot mess’ mom. The mom who leaves her house in pajamas, has misbehaving kids, and no plans for dinner. We love that. We connect with that!
But has this comfortable and relatable role trapped moms in a race to the bottom?READ MORE

Is it possible to run a thriving business and maintain healthy relationships with your family at the same time? Absolutely! But understanding how to balance the demands of both can be a challenge.
Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!READ MORE

With more people working from home, you would think productivity would skyrocket. There is less time being wasted on things like commuting, and that should leave more time for work and family, right?READ MORE

Want to get more books under your belt this year? Reading is a fantastic form of entertainment, and a great way to learn. But how do you make the time? And, how do you know what you should be reading (with the limited time you have available)?READ MORE

A new year brings the desire for change. For many women, this means bringing new levels of cleanliness and organization to our homes. But where do we start?
Well, it depends on the type and cause of your clutter.READ MORE

A brand new year is a cause for celebration! It’s a time to clean your slate and start fresh. And while many of us want to jump-start the new year on a good note, we tend to get hung up with trying to find our life’s purpose.READ MORE

New beginnings bring new possibilities. And after a year like we’ve just had, something new sounds pretty good, right?
Unfortunately, it’s easy to go overboard with resolutions. That’s why so many women burn out quickly and end the year right where they started.READ MORE

With everything going on right now in the world, in your life, and in your home, sometimes this season can feel more chaotic than enjoyable.
In this episode, I discuss three opportunities you have to grab a moment of calm and solitude amid the hectic holidays.  READ MORE

You asked… and I answered! One of my favorite things to do is answer questions from the wonderful members of our Brilliant Balance community.
In this episode, I give my best tips for things like how to establish a morning routine, how to painlessly get your children to do their share of the household chores, and much more! READ MORE

Many women end up creating all the holiday experiences for their families. And while you want to enjoy the holidays, taking it all on your shoulders can transform your relaxing time off into another stressful work day.… READ MORE

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