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Angie Leitnaker | Sip and Soul

You Are Empowerment

Angie Leitnaker | Sip and Soul         Angie Leitnaker | Sip and Soul        
You Are Empowerment           You Are Empowerment          
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    In this episode, you’ll discover:

    • Why losing your dream job is the quickest path to your dream life. (1:16)
    • Why your hardships don’t define you—and how to attract everything you want in your life. (2:30)
    • The secret to living your best life, whether you’re 4 or 104. (3:35)
    • Why you can toss out your business plan if your heart is in your business. (3:42)
    • How to awaken your dreams when you feel like you’ve lost them. (4:48)

    If this podcast is awakening something inside you…if you are feeling lost, unfulfilled, or uninspired and want to gain clarity, if you’re ready to shine from within and create your most soul-full life, then join us in our 7 day affirmation challenge series where we'll program your mind into believing that you can create the most fulfilled life!

    Go to http://sipandsoulshow.com/ to sign up TODAY!

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