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Valerie LaRoque | Infinite Banking Mastery

Protecting Your Older Self, Part 3.

Valerie LaRoque | Infinite Banking Mastery         Valerie LaRoque | Infinite Banking Mastery        
Protecting Your Older Self, Part 3.           Protecting Your Older Self, Part 3.          
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    Now that you understand long term care coverage and why it’s so important, it’s time to talk about different ways to secure these benefits. Benefits that could be the difference between dignity and despair in the latter years of your life.

    In this episode I’ll explain the basic terminology you need to know, and tell you about different options available to you.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    • Long term care coverage option that’s as easy to understand as car insurance. (1:09)
    • Heartbreaking motive behind people dropping long term care coverage just before they need it most. (1:50)
    • Benefit Payments 411: What they are. How they work. And the highest benefit amounts I’ve seen. (2:21)
    • Why it’s hard to find a policy with a lifetime benefit period anymore, and what periods you can expect to find instead. (3:36)
    • Reason John Hancock, with government approval, signed off on raising rates on existing customers. (4:29)
    • Why common sense supports getting an inflation rider on your long term care coverage policy. (7:15)
    • Long term care coverage that works like a bank CD? How it works explained. (12:30)

    Reach out to me:



    Infinite Banking Mastery (infinitebankingnorthwest.com)

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