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Valerie LaRoque | Infinite Banking Mastery

How Long Should I Fund the Paid Up Rider?

Valerie LaRoque | Infinite Banking Mastery         Valerie LaRoque | Infinite Banking Mastery        
How Long Should I Fund the Paid Up Rider?           How Long Should I Fund the Paid Up Rider?          
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    Paid-up additions (PUA) are the “rocket fuel” that grows your whole life policy. So you definitely want them in your policy…

    But how long should you fund your paid-up rider?

    While there isn’t a cookie cutter answer to this one, Valerie has valuable insights to help you make the right decision for your situation. Listen now as she explains paid-up additions, the avalanche of factors to shovel through with an adviser, and practical insights about funding your paid-up addition.

    Listen Now!

    Show highlights include:

    • Why too much money in your paid-up additions makes you wake up to a tax nightmare. (2:09)
    • The “squish” mistake: Shrinking your base premium as low as you can seems like a good idea, but here’s why it cripples one of your policy’s best features. (10:35)
    • An overlooked warning sign your policy isn’t cash efficient. Often misinterpreted as a good thing, it throws a wet blanket on your financial goals. (3:19)
    • The rare occasions when front-loading or “lump summing” optimizes your policy, and why talking to your advisor is essential so you don’t make a costly mistake. (4:59)
    • The strategic reasons having more than one whole-life policy helps you “be your own banker,” especially in retirement. (12:54)

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    Infinite Banking Mastery (infinitebankingnorthwest.com)

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