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Valerie LaRoque | Infinite Banking Mastery

Do What Rich People Do

Valerie LaRoque | Infinite Banking Mastery         Valerie LaRoque | Infinite Banking Mastery        
Do What Rich People Do           Do What Rich People Do          
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    Walt Disney, JCPenney, and Ray Kroc.

    What do all these ultra-wealthy individuals have in common? They all possess, “The Secret of the Affluent”, as coined by the New York Times. In layman’s terms, they all got ahead in life, not by spending their own money, or taking out a loan, but…

    By borrowing against their whole life insurance policy!

    So, why do the ultra-wealthy leverage whole life insurance policies?

    • Deposit amounts are unlimited (and NO income limitations)
    • No tax on the growth of your account
    • No tax when accessed either (if structured correctly)
    • Any money left over for your children and grandchildren can NOT be taxed by the money hungry federal government.

    Sounds pretty good, right?

    Well, in today’s episode, I reveal a few more tricks the ultra-wealthy do to amass true wealth, while paying as little in tax as possible.

    Listen now!

    Show Highlights Include:

    • The counterintuitive way to earn an extra $2,000 by spending $3,000 (1:11)
    • Bank won’t provide a loan to start your business? Use the “Walt Disney” source of finance to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey (2:12)
    • How Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s, used “The Rich Man’s Roth” to create the McDonald's empire (3:51)
    • Access your life savings — tax free — with Tony Robbins’ “Private Placement Life Insurance” (6:03)

    Reach out to me:
    Infinite Banking Mastery (infinitebankingnorthwest.com)

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