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Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design

EP202: How to Lean into Your Creative Brilliance to Build a Better Business

Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design         Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design        
EP202: How to Lean into Your Creative Brilliance to Build a Better Business           EP202: How to Lean into Your Creative Brilliance to Build a Better Business          
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    The amazing thing about designers is we’re each so unique…
    It's so cool how you don’t have to be a certain way to succeed in this industry.

    As I’ve really gotten to know my own gifts and talents, I’ve realized something…

    I’m pretty much TERRIBLE at 90% of the things you need to do in business. But the other 10% I’m totally brilliant at!

    And that’s okay… because I can get support in the areas where I need it. And when I stay in my zone of brilliance, I’m going to do more than anyone else could in those areas.

    The same goes for you.

    You’re going to have even more success when you figure out your particular brand of brilliance… and stop trying to be good at everything.

    I’m talking finding that special sparkle only YOU have.

    Once you figure out what that is – you can leverage it. And when you leverage it, suddenly business is going to totally change for you.

    Things will get easier. Decisions will come more naturally. You’ll feel more turned on in and by your work.

    But what if you don’t know what it is?!?!?!

    Well, I have some good news for you. If you head over to FlourishThriveAcademy.com/brilliance you can take our Jewelry Brand Brilliance Factor Quiz. It takes literally less than a minute.
    Do it now before you keep reading or before you listen to this week’s episode!

    Because the content and tips we have for you today are going to be 10 times more powerful when you know your brilliance factor.

    Today we’re going to be talking about how you can use that special gift to your advantage. So you can stop fighting your natural tendencies in business and learn to use them… and then get the right support built up around you!

    There's this myth about the “starving artist syndrome,”… And I don't believe artists should be starving! They just need to tweak the way they think about their creativity and lean into that to build better businesses.

    Creativity is the number one most important thing you have to help make you money in your business! We are so gifted as creative thinkers…

    As I’ve been investigating and learning through helping others grow their businesses, I’ve discovered that there are basically 6 types of creative zones of brilliance.

    The really cool thing is that this goes beyond just jewelry design…
    Even if you’re a fashion or accessories designer… heck, even if you’re making dog treats – this is going to apply to you!

    So be sure to hop on over to FlourishThriveAcademy.com/brilliance to take the quiz, and then listen to this week’s podcast so you can learn the best tools to take full advantage of your gifts.

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