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Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design

EP199: How to Get Big Exposure with Alternative Media Opportunities with Laura Powers

Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design         Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design        
EP199: How to Get Big Exposure with Alternative Media Opportunities with Laura Powers           EP199: How to Get Big Exposure with Alternative Media Opportunities with Laura Powers          
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    Episode #199 (1)

    Pssst! There isn’t a “holy grail” to gaining big exposure. It’s gonna take some TRIAL and ERROR.

    After a lot of years as an entrepreneur, I’ve learned a few things about content…

    What works, what doesn’t, and the best ways to get noticed.

    Ironically, one of my biggest lessons was that there’s no “holy grail” to getting your content seen.

    It’s more like a little of this, a little of that… and a LOT of trial and error.

    There are seriously ENDLESS things you can try…

    Mastering hashtags…

    Creating quality video production…

    Learning social media algorithms…

    Storytelling through emails….

    Paid and organic marketing strategies…

    The list goes ON!

    I’m here to empower you to start thinking about exposure for your brand…

    The end game is to for that exposure to convert people and get them engaging with your content!

    It’s time to take more unique approaches to digital marketing.

    On this week’s podcast, I’m talking to one of the most unique Creatives I’ve connected with through Instagram.

    Meet Laura Powers: a premiere LA psychic, actress, model, producer, host, writer, singer and speaker.

    Laura hosts podcasts on design, music, the entertainment industry, writing, health, spirituality, business, AND empowerment!

    Talk about well rounded!

    And she’s been using her platforms to not only scale her businesses – but to expose her brand in super creative ways.

    Laura opened my eyes to some amazing ways to have your brand and your message seen, felt and heard!

    Listen to episode #199 of Thrive by Design to get your all-access pass to How to Get Big Exposure with Alternative Media Opportunities with Laura Powers.

    In the episode, Laura gives you the scoop on getting your brand the exposure it needs really grow… If you thought you had all of the answers, think again…


    Most people think the key to exposure is through high-level influencers.

    No shade to my fav influencers out there, but it’s going to take more than a beautiful feed to really connect your business with others.

    That’s where having a website that serves as your #1 selling tool comes in handy.

    This is crucial for attracting the right customers and connections…

    When Will Farrow’s office wanted a psychic, Laura was their FIRST choice – all thanks to her badass online presence. His producer literally spent several hours on her website!

    Professional photos, graphics, and one-sheets are the low hanging fruit to gaining more exposure. You’ve gotta have your website up, running, and stocked with your best content.


    It’s all about finding your niche.

    One of the things I hear a lot is how difficult it is to find your place on a platform that’s “already saturated”.

    Take YouTube, for example.

    Lots of makers and designers stray away from that platform, worried that they won’t stand out in a sea of content. If this is your fear – you probably haven’t found your niche audience yet…

    But with podcasting, it's WAY easier to tap into niche markets than with other large media platforms.

    And with those niche markets, you ultimately reach YOUR people more successfully.

    Laura recommends slipping into the podcast market because quite frankly: it’s easier!

    You’ve gotta work your way outside of the box.

    Take it from her: she’s hit 4 million downloads in one year.


    This rule applies to every aspect of a business.

    If you want to see your biz grow and your exposure increase, you’ll need to delegate work to others and focus more on those money-making tasks.

    That could mean hiring a virtual assistant, a Podcast Producer, an Operations Manager — anyone who’s qualified and motivated to do the jobs that aren’t in your zone of brilliance!

    You can easily get a qualified remote assistant for $3-7/hour.

    “Maybe you just need 5 hours a week.. That’s OK. That can still be really helpful and give you the time and energy to focus your energy on what is going to be most impactful and helpful for you in your business.” -Laura Powers

    The less on your plate, the more room for opportunities you create!

    There isn’t a “one size fits all” in the digital marketing world. But there’s definitely best practices to truly grow your business! Listen to the podcast to get the low down on what you need to know to build your brand’s exposure and then some!

    xo, Tracy


    Are you ready to up-level your already established business and add another $10k a month to your revenue streams? Then, it’s time to apply for a free Strategy Session with one of our experts! I am on a mission to help 100 designers cross the $100k mark this year. Could you be one of them? Click here to apply!


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