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Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design

EP198: How to Protect Your Intellectual Property with a Manufacturer with Emma Grogory Boudah

Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design         Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design        
EP198: How to Protect Your Intellectual Property with a Manufacturer with Emma Grogory Boudah           EP198: How to Protect Your Intellectual Property with a Manufacturer with Emma Grogory Boudah          
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    Episode 198

    Finally! The weather is warm and days are getting longer. A perfect time to look forward to GROWTH in your business.

    Springtime is all about new possibilities, right?

    Time to get your spring hustle on!

    As designers and business owners, it's super easy to get stuck in the day-to-day…

    Making more product…
    Responding to customer messages…
    Managing the books…
    Posting on social media…

    Just one big laundry list of stuff!

    The thing is, not one of these tasks is really gonna lead you to EARNING $$ at the next level. Or scaling your business.

    It's time to ask yourself – are you using these assignments as an excuse to keep playing it small?

    If you want to take a leap this year and see big results, you have to make a change.You have to stop doing everything yourself. You have to outsource and delegate.

    You might outsource social media or marketing but it could also mean…

    It's time to start working with a manufacturer! I know what you’re thinking, “But that’s scary! What if they rip me off for my designs?”

    I get this question all the time. And that’s why this week’s podcast is totally on point…

    I’m PUMPED to have the amazing Emma Gregory Boudah of Spokes Jewelry as my guest this week. We’re talking about manufacturing overseas – how to protect your intellectual property and do things right from the start.

    If you’ve been keeping your production in-house in order to minimize mistakes and keep a close watch on your designs, I get it. But at some point this becomes inefficient. Both in terms of time and cost.

    What will you do when…

    • a big buyer wants to know your plan for scalability?
    • you start losing customers because of slow turn around times?
    • your small time jeweler can’t make what you’re asking for?

    Together, we’re going to help you identify when you’re ready to work with a manufacturer and how to avoid getting ripped off once you do.

    Listen to episode #198 of Thrive by Design to get your all-access pass to Protecting Your Intellectual Property with a Manufacturer with Emma Gregory Boudah.

    In the episode, Emma shares her checklist for working with a new manufacturer. It starts with these items…


    This is a bigtime rookie mistake. Always get an NDA… No. Matter. What.

    Essentially, this is how you show manufacturers that you’re serious. That you’re going to be paying attention and not turning a blind eye. And it protects you if something does go wrong.


    These are actually part of your intellectual property and need to be included in your NDA!

    Don’t fall into the trap of deciding you’re done working with a manufacturer and not being able to get your molds back. You need to protect these as much as any other intellectual property.

    We chat more about how to do this in the podcast…


    Once you start working with a manufacturer. Take your time to get to know them. Understand who works for them and who is overseeing which parts of production.

    Don’t just assume it's being handled well and don’t accept work that’s being outsourced from their company.

    There’s so much more we have to share about working with a manufacturer. Listen to the podcast to get the full CHECKLIST on what you need to know and do before taking this big leap!

    xo, Tracy


    Are you ready to up-level your already established business and add another $10k a month to your revenue streams? Then, it’s time to apply for a free Strategy Session with one of our experts! I am on a mission to help 100 designers cross the $100k mark this year. Could you be one of them? Click here to apply!


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    Spokes Jewelry


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