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Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design

The Best in Content Marketing Strategy from Traffic & Conversion 2019

Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design         Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design        
The Best in Content Marketing Strategy from Traffic & Conversion 2019           The Best in Content Marketing Strategy from Traffic & Conversion 2019          
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    Episode 192

    Traffic + Conversion = my 2 favorite words right now.



    Can you name a better feeling than having your voice reach millions of fans?


    I know that there are people in the jewelry biz struggling to get their content consumed by the people actually BUYING their products.


    Which is why it’s becoming sooo important to diversify our revenue streams.


    Especially for those of you who are selling to stores and at live events.

    You have to have inventory for the shows, you have to show up, set the booth up, stand outside in sideways rain or blazing hot weather or something in between and go, go, go.

    All your weekends are given to the shows.

    At a certain point, it's exciting because that's how you're building your business…

    But eventually it gets… Exhausting.


    That’s exactly why it’s so important to be able to diversify your strategy so that you're leveraging the tools that you have and you're training your customers to actually buy from you online.


    Building a biz is a full time job.


    I’m constantly learning more and more content marketing strategies from the master, Ezra Firestone.


    And many of these strategies are really great for training your customers to buy from you online.


    I’ve also learned from Brendon Burchard how to secure recurring revenue and repeat customers — something Ezra Firestone talks about as well.


    Which is why I’m always reminding folks that your website really is your BIGGEST tool.


    That’s where all of the traffic and conversion magic happens.


    For those of you who are selling wholesale, selling direct to consumer, or for just about any business model if you're doing custom work or working with a production line.


    It will work for any strategy; it's just about tweaking it to match your business model!


    And it’s so much easier than you think.


    I’m dishing ALL of the secrets.




    I truly believe in investing in myself.


    I spend about $50,000 a year on mastermind groups, education going to conferences, events.


    *sips Kool-Aid*


    I know it’s a lot. But I have to dedicate myself to the growth of my biz if I want to see leads turn into conversions.


    I want to level my skill set to meet people, to network with partners for my businesses and to elevate and grow.


    Every time I invest in my learning, the ROI that I get when I apply it is 20x what I paid.


    But you have to ask yourself: are you looking for an upfront investment? Or are you focused on the long term ROI?


    You’ll need to both invest and put in the work towards said investment.


    Sometimes that looks like $50,000/year in conferences and workshops…


    Or it could look like buying Clockwork: Design Your Business to Run Itself by Mike Michalowicz.


    Scared money doesn’t make money — don’t be afraid to invest!




    In the very early stages of Flourish & Thrive Academy, I was very guilty of this.


    There wasn’t much of a “strategy” to my content.


    I’m an extrovert. So I’ve always been eager about being the face of my biz and giving people someone to relate to (very important).


    But for some of my introverts out there, I know it feels safer to hide behind the scenes and behind your product.


    This is something Ezra Firestone wants us all to evolve from. People need relatability to trust in what you’re selling them.


    Still don’t want to show your face? That’s OK!


    It can be your customers, stock photography or model shots of your perfect clients.


    It’s about creating a face to the brand that helps you connect with your perfect customers.


    The customer journey starts with know, like and trust.


    Once people know, like and trust you, they become buyers of your products, and then eventually brand advocates.


    And your content is the thing that actually gets you to that point.


    So consumption is the key to build that know, like, and trust factor that gets people continuing to go in and watch what you do.




    I know, I know. You’ve heard this all before. This is a recurring theme for everyone.


    But inconsistency is still one of the BIGGEST reasons why people aren’t building traffic and leading to conversions.


    You want to be emailing, posting to social, and using platforms like Pinterest every single day.


    You need to be emailing at least once a week.


    Repeat after me: you need to email (and produce content) at least once a week.


    You should also be posting and promoting on social media at least once a day.


    You don't want to post on every single platform every single day, but it's important to consistently post.


    And a lot of this can be automated.


    Do you have a blog? Maintain a weekly cadence of sharing that with your audience.


    You want to build more trust, don’t you?


    I share at least 10 other takeaways in this week’s podcast episode #192 The Best in Content Marketing Strategy from Traffic & Conversion 2019.


    I’d love to let you in on more of what I’ve been learning as I maneuver through the biz.


    Get your pen and paper ready.


    xo, Tracy


    P.S. At the end of April I will be hosting an exclusive 10-week workshop along with several experts that will teach you exactly how to train your customers to buy from you online. Be one of the firsts to apply for here!

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