Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design
EP189: How to Avoid Burnout

Big goals + Big responsibilities = Burnout? It doesn't have to!
Are you tired? Like really tired?
If you tell yourself “I’m busy but I’ve got this” then keep reading.
I sat down with Nina Cooper, founder of Nina Designs, on our show after reflecting on the last time I felt completely and utterly burned out.
I took a sabbatical last year for 6 weeks and went to Europe just for the mental break that I needed to rejigger and recharge.
And if I’d taken better care of myself, I might not have needed to do that.
Don’t get me wrong, it was a great 6 weeks… But how why I arrived at taking it was NOT healthy.
Let me ask… are YOU remembering to reset and recharge?
You can still continue growing your jewelry biz. But what if Nina and I showed you how you can do both?
We’re all capable of managing our time, energy, and stress.
In our latest podcast, Nina and I share loads of tips to recenter yourself among all of your creative chaos.
And we both agreed one of the greatest challenges of chasing a goal out of your comfort zone is getting there withoutburning out.
Good news… we’re gonna give you one less thing to worry about today!
Here are a few of tips for being the boss you want to be without depleting your energy.
I totally wish I talked to Nina before I burned out last year…
A lot of the advice I got was to “slow down and take it easy”. Which, when you’re as passionate about your biz as I am, really isn’t helpful.
I learned how to treat myself better so my productivity doesn’t tank. Shoutout to Nina for helping me out with that!
Ready to dive in? Listen to episode #189 How to Avoid Burnout with Nina Cooper.
To avoid burnout, you need to know where to apply your time and resources to reliably generate sales. This is super important.
Nina says, “When you’re self-employed, especially when you don't have a lot of people working for or with you, there is so much to do. And so really knowing the most efficient way to turn your time into money is really important.”
I 100% agree since one of my biggest peeves is spending too much time managing others instead of managing my own time.
I need time be creative, learn, and work “on” my biz not “in” it..
And spend less time hijacked by things I don’t need to do..
Are you with me?
When the going gets tough, delegate the things you hate to do.
Easier said than done, right? Maybe you think you can’t afford to hire people (or MORE people)…
You might say,“I just don't have the money to hire someone.” But I can tell ya, there are creative ways to delegate that don't necessarily involve having an employee.
Nina’s advice? Barter anything.
She has paid a chiropractor with jewelry and has even traded for surgery at one point!
Seriously, there are lots of ways to take loads off your plate affordably (we dive into this more in the podcast)! Your availability will open up in a snap…
Once you’re done crushing that to-do list, take another look at it and celebrate!
Go on, give yourself a pat on the back! You deserve a reward for your hard work!
Celebrate your accomplishments before rushing on to the next item on your list. This creates definition and a sense of accomplishment. Instead of days just running together, you have things to look forward to.
Did you get new products up on your site? Call up a friend and celebrate over coffee! Crushed your sales goal? Treat yourselves to a massage. You’ll stay motivated and avoid burnout..
It's important to have things to look forward to that you wouldn’t normally do for yourself.
You don't need to reinvent the wheel.
Almost every business problem has been faced and solved before, so reach out to your network like your fellow F&TA members.
You’d be surprised, most people are so happy to help!
Just talking about an issue can clarify the problem and lead you toward a resolution.
And when the #ThriveTribe has your back, you can go deep with other jewelry designers who’ve been there!
If you’re ready toto prevent burnout and leverage your time (say bye-bye to low margins & unprofitable shows!) listen to the podcast and get in on the solution!
Let’s do this.
xo, Tracy
You can head on over to, enter the code BURNOUT at checkout to get $15 off an order of $50 or more for one use. You have until March 31st to use that.
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