Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design
EP218: The Biggest Website Design and Conversion Mistakes Jewelry Designers Make and How to Fix Them with Erin Alexander
EP218: The Biggest Website Design and Conversion Mistakes Jewelry Designers Make and How to Fix Them with Erin Alexander
EP218: The Biggest Website Design and Conversion Mistakes Jewelry Designers Make and How to Fix Them with Erin Alexander
Have you ever noticed that grocery store layouts are all pretty much the same?
The bakery is near the front, where you’re met with the comforting aroma of fresh bread. The dairy is in the back, so you have to walk through the whole store just to buy milk. The candy is by the register, a tempting and effective upsell.
This is not by accident – in fact, there are professionals who get paid a lot of money to map your journey through the store in a way that gets you to buy more stuff.
The psychology of profit has been of interest to owners of grocery stores and supermarkets since, like, forever. So why wouldn’t we apply the same principles to online stores?
That’s where Erin Alexander comes in. Founder of Alexander Design Co. and our very own SOS coach, Erin specializes in website and conversion design for e-commerce businesses.
When it comes to web design, this gal’s been thinking 10 steps ahead the whole time. She sat down with me to discuss the common mistakes she sees on jewelry designer’s websites – and how to fix them