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Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design

EP209: How to Find the Courage to Face Your Fears and Create a Life You Love with Ruth Soukup

Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design         Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design        
EP209: How to Find the Courage to Face Your Fears and Create a Life You Love with Ruth Soukup           EP209: How to Find the Courage to Face Your Fears and Create a Life You Love with Ruth Soukup          
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    I’m beyond stoked about this week’s topic because it's something the Flourish & Thrive Academy community knows all about… FEAR.

    Being an entrepreneur by definition pretty much means facing your fears…

    Putting yourself out there

    Taking risks

    Doing things that make you nervous

    It's all part of this wild ride we’ve chosen as business owners. We know it can be tough, but we also know it's soooo worth it!

    The thing about fear is that it has multiple layers… At its core, fear is designed to protect us. To keep us safe.

    But because our innate desire to protect ourselves is so strong, it can end up backfiring and leading to things like procrastination, overwhelm, excuses + self-doubt.

    We’re all working on mastering that fine line between pushing our edges and playing it smart. And on this week’s podcast, I had the honor of talking to New York Times bestselling author, Ruth Soukup about her incredible journey of overcoming fear and using it to fuel her success.

    Ruth’s book, Do It Scared is a guide to understanding what’s really behind the fear that’s holding you back – and transforming that fear into power and action!

    In the episode, she takes us through the 7 types of fear, what’s really behind them, and what we can do to overcome and create a life we really love. Ruth’s story is truly inspiring and you won’t want to miss what she has to say!

    Listen to episode #209 of Thrive by Design to get your all-access pass to How to Find the Courage to Face Your Fears and Create a Life You Love with Ruth Soukup.

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