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Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design

EP208: What it REALLY Takes to Go From $50K to $1 Million in Revenue

Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design         Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design        
EP208: What it REALLY Takes to Go From $50K to $1 Million in Revenue           EP208: What it REALLY Takes to Go From $50K to $1 Million in Revenue          
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    It’s birthday season here at Flourish & Thrive Academy lately! If you didn’t know, our company is turning 7 this week! And we just passed Robin’s birthday too…

    In honor of this huge milestone, Robin and I got together on the podcast this week to chat about what we’ve learned… Both in growing F&TA, as well as our other ventures – and to share our biggest insights with you.

    We’re diving into the topic of scaling…

    What does it take and how do you do it?

    The fact is certain characteristics set apart the brands that make it to multiple 6 figures and above and those that hover around the $50,000 a year mark.

    Firstly, if you’re the designer or the visionary in your company, you need to figure out if you are your own bottleneck.

    A lot of designers get stuck at this point because they never set up systems. They don’t learn to effectively delegate.

    So they can only grow as much as their time allows. And one person can only do so much!

    This means letting go of doing everything yourself and stepping up as Chief Visionary Officer…

    If you’re ready to overcome this hurdle and learn what Robin and I have discovered about how to scale and grow a successful business, listen to the full episode now!

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