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Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design

EP205: Where do your diamonds and gemstones come from?

Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design         Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design        
EP205: Where do your diamonds and gemstones come from?           EP205: Where do your diamonds and gemstones come from?          
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    As designers, we’re aware of how much our industry is changing…

    A lot of jewelry sales is moving online.

    Wholesale isn’t the same as it used to be. It's tough these days to find buyers who will buy the product outright – not on memo.

    Things are moving faster than ever. And the processes for success are shifting.

    But a common obstacle we’re facing is the fact that the backend of our industry isn’t really keeping up…

    That is to say, the supplier section of the jewelry industry can feel like it's stuck in the past.

    Here at F&TA, we get super excited when we find companies and brands who are on the cutting edge of these new models…

    That’s why I’m so stoked that on this week’s podcast, I got to chat with Ashkan Asgari of Dream Diamond.

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