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Jonathan Rivera | The Daily Bread Project

TDBP15: Lead with Love

Jonathan Rivera | The Daily Bread Project         Jonathan Rivera | The Daily Bread Project        
TDBP15: Lead with Love           TDBP15: Lead with Love          
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    Are you ready to break free from fear once and for all?

    Today on The Daily Bread project you'll find out how.

    My guest is Ray Gonzalez from the Both on Board show.

    He says,

    “Fear is a choice.”

    On today's show Ray shares:

    • How filling you heart with love is the best protection from uncertainty
    • Why having “everything” is not enough
    • The simple secret to conquering fear
    • The “F” word that will set you free
    • Why “ownership” is only an illusion keeping you unsatisfied and helpless
    • How to have all the abundance you want
    • Why your ego is getting in the way of your happiness

    All that and more on The Daily Bread Project today.

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    Without headaches or hassles


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