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Shawna Beckman | Consensual Sales

Tough Conversations, Saying What's on Your Mind

Shawna Beckman | Consensual Sales         Shawna Beckman | Consensual Sales        
Tough Conversations, Saying What's on Your Mind           Tough Conversations, Saying What's on Your Mind          
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    Highlights from this episode include:

    • How sex makes you better at sales and vice versa (3:20)
    • The most effective way to provide your prospect an environment that easily facilitates a sale (5:10)
    • How your “Lizard Brain” makes it impossible for you to have tough conversations and how to fix it (8:36)
    • How being tickled as a child can ruin your ability to set healthy boundaries and how to move past it (10:40)
    • Why your childhood successes can make you an adult failure and how to prevent it (11:24)
    • The single biggest misconception that prevents all your relationships from flourishing (16:51)

    Learn the secrets of effortless selling without feeling manipulative or sleazy with our free Consensual Sales Method webclass. Head over to http://clientsandmoney.com/ to sign up today!

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